quick follow-up

Apr 15, 2014

I was trying to hold out and not call to check status at least until 2 weeks after my Sleep Study.  But for some reason. . .I just found myself dialing the patient advocate this afternoon.  Only 4 days after the sleep study.  Well the Patient Advocate said she submitted my paperwork on April 8th.  They like to give the insurance companies about 2 weeks before following up.  Typically could take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks.  I hope not 6 weeks.  So. . .ok. . I'll hold out on that. . .I'll try.

Secondly, I spoke to the Nurse.  She already has my Sleep Study results.  From their assessment, my results show no evidence of Sleep Apnea.  I think that's a good thing.  I'm not required to have a CPAP machine.  But would that have been a better 'sell' to my insurance company if i DID have Sleep Apnea??

Oh well. . .I'm still waiting.  I'll know something within another week or so.  I'm really going to try not to call the insurance company to check status between now and then. 


It really won't be long now. . . I'm also hoping and praying that once I'm approved, that I can get the surgery date that I want.  Which is early May; but definitely before mid June.

