1.5 years to 10 days

Oct 06, 2011

  This battle to get this surgery at such a young age at 14 has been very tedious. My mother has had to go through so much and i admire her for going through it all. I wish it had happened sooner and the pain from my surgery wouldn't overlap with my birthday but I'll take what I can get. As I am typing this I am listening to Adele/Avril Lavigne and thinking about how in 10 days i will be on some serious pain meds just recovering from my possibly multiple hour surgery. Now starting this ONLY low calorie sugar free diet for the remaining days until THE day. Had a freak out around dinner time because of what I call "dying" of hunger. Cheated some yes I know it's a NO NO but come on I'm not perfect. I can't have any solid food specimen for 3-months. I'm really going to start working out daily because I can't and will not stand to be in this body any longer. This post is becoming to long. Ill make another one. PEACE

