TWO YEARS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 02, 2010

In less than 5 days I will be celebrating my 2 year post op (GB) surgery!!  The time has whizzed by and here I am..same on the inside but very different on the outside!!!  I have lost a total of 116 lbs...and have had an abdominoplasty to remove the excess skin on my abdomen..of which there was oodles!!
My Type 2 insulin dependent diabetes has been reversed, my severe Sleep apnea is totally gone(The Dr closed the file), my blood pressure is better than normal,always and I am just about off an anti anxiety med that I have been on for 9 years..I have had to do that in increments.  Healthwise I have more than exceeded meeting my goals....I still continue to lose a little..however my body weight seems to be plateuing and I am just fine with that.  It is pure pleasure for me to be able to buy clothes off the regular size racks..never ever thought I would see that day agan!!  It has been quite the journey and it is one I am so very very grateful to have been able to take.....The real task will be to maintain this for the long haul. It has taken two years to get into the 'swing " of this new lifestyle. Temptations still lurk out there and there are times it is as though I am greiving
what once was!!  Sounds loopy I am sure but obesity was a big part(no pun intended!)  of my life for many many years.....Now I can really and truly dance and   it does not leave me breathless!!!


About Me
Sep 04, 2008
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 6
Two Months Out and Counting!!!!( Dec 3,/08)
...Just Wondering.....
My Life in a Nutshell
