As you can probably guess... things didn't proceed as I wished

May 23, 2010

So back in 2003, I went through the motions of trying to obtain gastric bypass surgery.  At the time I was going to Dr. Daniel Stickler and I really was impressed with him and his staff.  But, my insurance would not pay for the surgery so I had to give it up.  I couldn't afford to pay for it myself.

I did continue on the diet quest, and would lose and gain back the weight, off and on for a couple of years.  I tried to get insurance approval again in 2006 and once again was denied.  Even the head of our HR dept. called me and explained to me that although they didn't cover the surgery at the moment, it didn't mean that they never would cover it and for me to not give up trying.

So once again in 2009, I start checking into WLS.  This time I just went straight to the HR department and was told that it still was not covered by our insurance.  By this time, I now have High blood pressure, high cholesterol and was diagnosed with Type II diabetes and have a BMI or around 54.

Whats a girl to do???

