From my grill to heaven ... can I say YUMMMMMM!!!!

Jul 10, 2013

I had the most awesome meal yesterday .... picture this ... the grill is fired up ... DH is grilling fish for us and steak for the kids ... he is also grilling vidalia onions, fresh scallions and portobello mushrooms...  I am in no mood for fish or steak ... I had in mind an awesome bun-less turkey cheeseburger but but but ... the largest and most delicious looking portobello mushrooms grilling beside my son's and daughters steaks caught my eyes and I had a lightbulb moment .... I placed my turkey burger pattie on the grill ... when it was thoroughly cooked (well done for me thank you) I placed a slice of queso blanco de freir (Mexican frying cheese) on it and on top of that a slice of sweet red pepper and an awesome thick slice of vidalia onion covering it with a tin pan for a bit .... then the portobello's came in ..... I flipped them over like an open bun ... placed my turkey cheeseburger on one of the huge mushrooms and covered it with the other .... I sliced it in the middle ... for the most AWESOME AND SUCCULENT BUN-LESS PROTEIN FILLED BUNLESS PORTO-TURKEY-CHEESBURGER ....YUMMMMMMMMMMM .... I ate half of that bad boy and had the other half for breakfast this morning ... it was even more delicious in the morning .... I licked my lips and twiddled my toes ... from my grill to heaven I am still saying YUMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

I love love love being totally satisfied with my delicious meals and awesome food choices that are many ... I love love love being satisfied with a very small portion and being totally stuffed and not wanting for more or even forcing an extra bit past my full line or my runny nose whichever comes first .... I love love love love rocking my tool ... I WORKS!!! 

Six years and five months I am celebrating daily....

From a highest weight of 327 pounds ...

I am enjoying a total lost of 203 pounds and maintaining seamlessly 6 years and 5 months later .... I loved my life before and I love it more now with heath and mobility and energy bar none .... free of 5 co-morbitities ... every day holds a miracle and a reason for celebration for me.....

This morning I took a picture with my broken doll ... an awesome gift from my son my toy poodle Chip toppled her and her face broke ... I have since gotten the mold and will be firing up my kiln to pour and bake and repaint her face but I am rusty so I am holding off on that ... the AWESOME news came on my monthly surgery anniversary on the 5th when my son told me he had placed a bid on another AWESOME 37" doll and that he was the winner and that I should have it before the weekend ...WOOT I cannot wait ... I AM KEEPING BOTH OF THE DOLL ... the broken on and the new one when she arrives.. I am sentimental like that ...that doll means the world to me....

I love rocking my long summer dresses....

I also loved loved loved wearing this awesome ensemble summery and comfortable passed on to me by my tiny boss ...

I am forever grateful and celebrating victory over morbid obesity ... one day at a time ... one choice at a time ... it is a journey well worth it ... and I have captured it all in my digital empowerment journal ... 'A Picture a Day Keeps the Pounds and the Inches Away'

