3 Year Surgiversary

Sep 20, 2011

It’s been three years since I went down the rabbit hole and ended up in Onederland. I’m sure there are plenty of you who have no idea who I am, and I apologize for that. I swore to myself that I would never leave OH, and I never have but most days I only read. Usually all that needs to be said has already been said by the time I get there, so I just lurk. But one promise I will always keep is an update for my Surgiversary because I know how inspiring those posts were to me as a pre-op.

 Maybe I’m also a cautionary tale because I never quite made it to goal and I’m sure my carb addiction is to blame. I do wish I had taken the advice of the vets who told me to keep away from the carbs until I was at goal, and then add them back carefully. I went from 305 to 155, and then gained 15, ending up exactly where Dr. Smith said I would, at 170. And let me tell you, I’ll take it! I have to admit to certain wistful gazes at those of you who ended up in a size 6, but I’m awfully happy in my 14’s.

Pre-op, I was handicapped. I couldn’t stand for more than 5 minutes at a time because of searing pain in my back, and couldn’t walk much because of horrid foot pain. Now, I have my life back. I’m on stage again, singing, acting and dancing to my heart’s content, and I never thought that would happen again. I hadn’t been on stage for more than a decade because I literally could not stand long enough to do a show.

Pre-op, I wore a mask every night for sleep apnea and I’m free from that thing forever.

I have so much fun every morning just getting dressed.

I am forever grateful to the DS vets who waged the surgery wars on the main board and got my attention.

I’ve been complication free, and my labs have been a dream. I was always a bit of a supplement junkie, so the transition to post-DS life has been pretty seamless for me in that regard. If you’d like to see my supplement list, it’s here. It’s a spreadsheet listing dosages, when I take them, and prices. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApYtkht_37xDdGtleklMTDVuVXhpMVN3LUdpWU53N0E&hl=en_US

On to the pics!
First, a couple of “before” shots:


And now, screw the haters! I’m rocking my size 14 bikini at the beach this week!

DH loves taking my picture.
And I love him.

And now some performance shots from the last couple of years:

The Great American Trailer Park Musical (Betty)

Cistern by Ray Bradbury (Anna)

Noises Off (Dotty)

Cemetery Stroll (Susan Watson Leigh)


About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 25, 2007
Member Since

Friends 125

Latest Blog 24
2 months post-op
One Month Post-op
