Surgery is over.. done and recovering

Feb 17, 2012

Let me catch up... I had my dr. apt. got my clearance to have the surgery from the cardiologist... Yeah.. I had my surgery RNY on Feb 6th.. whew.. it was much much harder then I ever thought.. the gas pains that you experience is extreme to say the least... there is no amount of pain meds that relieves and takes that pain away..
I left the hospital one day later even though my dr. really wanted me to stay one more day... My little kids needed me home even if it was to just lay in my bed with the occasional walking and such...On day three of being home I started to ask myself " What have I done and did I do the right thing" ...I hear this is a pretty normal feeling and thought after surgery ... It was really tough to get in all my water and vitamins in the first week however the second week I am getting better with it but still shorting myself of at least one vitamin a day if not two on some days.. this is a hard task figuring out all the timing of the pills and water and eating..

Today I am almost two weeks post op and doing great.. eating very little and of course very weak because I am only taking in less then 100 calories a day... This is how Kaiser does the first two weeks to allow the healling of the pouch and anastomosis... I lost a lot of weight the first week but this week lost no weight at all... 5 days and no weight loss and YES I AM FOLLOWING THE FOOD PLAN TO A TEE...

It is a bit hard to stand on the scale every day and look at the number not budge.. you kinda say to yourself.. ok..this is the life I lived before surgery... this is kinda how the scale wouldn't budge before my new tool.. NOW WHAT DO I DO.....  

So with that said I am journalling a lot and really trying to talk to myself and remember that I really am not eating anything at all.. my body is probably thinking I am starving it so it is doing that whole hold on to the fat and calories to function and store.. ok whatever .. we will see what next week brings.... Next week I get to add more food options still only a 1/4 cup three times a day but food with calories and protien... I am looking forward to it giving me more energy and maybe kick starting my matabolism...

I will post more later.. have to go eat .. time is up after waiting to not drink for 30 mins .. going to have some yogurt ... :)

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