Ok, so this is my attempt to post something.

Nov 20, 2011

Well, I was just sitting here pondering what to type.  I am pretty sure my story is much like others.  Like so many, when just joining something or just starting something, it can be hard to know where to start. 

I actually had started my weightloss on 08-23-10.  Although the process started and stopped since 2008 with regards to possibilities of WLS.  Finally by last 08-23-10 I knew that I was approved for WLS from insurance and was on my way to possibly having WLS (Gastric Bypass).  I still had to go through the many needed medical appointments to determine if my body could handle the surgery.  I had many health issues that were possibly hindering the surgery.... and may have had to postpone to try to resolve some first.  Although my start of losing weight prior to surgery was not a requirement, after talking about what the percentage of weightloss was after surgery and the pain the surgery would have, I put 110% into excersize and eating healthier... calorie counting and all of that!  I had the help of the nutrionist/dietician and it all made sence and "clicked".  I had also just moved into an apartment that I was able to utilize pools for my excersize needs.  My food journal was my new best friend. 
I did not know that this site existed, although I wish I had as it would have been great to blog and track with such a great tool.  I had difficulties/challenges getting around much back then.  I have been and always will be a strong woman and when determined to do something, I will push and think outside of the box to figure out ways to "get r done".   I have learned that support networks around us really do help and the more the better. 

I have along ways to go.  But I have come along ways and in the comparison, I am over half way there to my goal.  I can soon say that I am half of the woman that I used to be.  I am now currently 333 lbs, but started this journey out last year at 654 lbs.  So yes,  I do feel great about what I have accomplished with my new tools in my life!

I actually have LIFE back,  with quality and fun.  I have my HEALTH back, and a work in progress to be at the healthy weight I want/need to be.  
             I can WALK again, and soon I want to RUN!  I have a list of things I am going to do with my new start!

