Sick and Tired :)

Nov 23, 2011

  I have developed a feisty cold ... my head hurts, my sinuses make my face feel like it is about to explode, my throat is scratchy.  Good times!  I have managed to get my fluids and protein in... for the most part. I ran out of my gallbladder medicine and now will be Friday before I have it again (since Monday night).   I can already tell issues wanting to come up  (when I worked in the ER they told me you could tell sometimes when.... certain bathroom things changed).

       I went to the gym Monday morning and worked out until I wore out.  I felt awful on Tuesday so I took that day off from the gym and drove out to see my mom at the rehab.
  My dad was making an @$$ of himself which did not click well with me being sick.  He finally walked out and my mom and I had about 30minutes of peace and conversation. I guess he is getting "cage crazy" staying in that room with my mom 24hrs a day, but at least HE is able to get up and walk around, she is a captive audience to his grumbling. 

  Today I went to the gym and did about 30 minutes. I was wore out but glad I did something. I have to get back in the habit of going!  I saw the PT (personal trainer) and talked to her for a bit. I have a session with her Friday afternoon (she keeps reminding me it is Black Friday - and she isn't referring to shopping! Yikes!).  She smiled real big and said the gym should be completely empty, so we would have free range to the whole place, all to ourselves.  She was more excited than I was hahaha

  We (sister, me, brother, niece) decided to fix Thanksgiving dinner and then stuff it all in insulated bags and ice chests to make the trip to the rehab.  My niece talked to the administrator and got approval for us to set up a long table in the pretty little sideyard. He was thrilled we were bringing the food and making a fuss (I got my mom some new nightgowns).

Then there was my dad , again.  He has told nurses, physical therapists, my mom (repeatedly), my niece/nephews, everyone EVERYONE that we are stupid for bringing food out there and he wishes we wouldn't even bother... blah blah blah.  My sister and niece were getting upset / hurt because he kept saying how stupid we are... I assured them you get used to it after a while.  (Can you tell my dad and I have a charming relationship?)   It took everything within me to not call and tell him the only thing that was a hassle was his attitude - he was the only thing causing stress, arguments or hurt feelings.   Jerk.  But I didn't call.

  My nose is running like a racehorse and my eyes hurt so much I can't stare at the computer anymore.  I think for the 1st time in almost 6 years I am going to leave work sick.    Boo.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!! lol


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Surgery Date
Apr 10, 2011
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