April update

Apr 18, 2011

So, I'm back from another surgery. I had to have a hysterectomy this time with exterior & interior reconstruction. Recovery sucked but wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'm weighing in around 164-167lbs. I kind of bounce really really. I am hoping desperately to hit 150 before my surgiversary. That's coming up soon... May 10th. Not looking too good though. My weight loss has slowed way down...almost to a stop. I figure I'm pretty darned successful with this surgery. My surgeon told me from day 1 to figure my ending weight loss to be around 200lbs. Life is good, I feel great! I can tolerate a lot of sugar so, that's kind of good because I feel very normal. Kind of bad because, well... if I tolerate it, I eat it.  But, hey... I'm gonna live my life and not be bound anymore! Summer is coming and I am SO excited! I can't wait to wear tanks and shorts! 


About Me
Corning, NY
Surgery Date
Jun 04, 2010
Member Since

Friends 30

Latest Blog 17
