If its not one thing....its always another!

Jun 29, 2011

 First it was issues with my BF, then a stall in weight loss, NOW there is a male co-worker who is intentionally trying to get me into trouble in any way he possibly can.  He lies on me, lies to clients, send evil notes to the 2 attorneys in the office saying I was rude to clients, or that I was uncompassionate to their needs (I deal with all wrongful death families).  This of course couldn't be the farthest from the truth.  I take out more time then I should just to listen and be there for the families.  I give them my personal cell phone number just so I can be in constant contact if they need me.  I put off my other work duties just so I can be there for them if they need to talk, vent, cry, scream, etc.  So for him to say these terrible things is not only offensive but has gotten to the point where I simply can't deal with it.
I know that I am good at my job and I do not doubt my abilities at all.  But when my boss has this other co-worker in his ear all day every day saying that I am no good my boss just might eventually believe it!  This is starting to stress me out to the point that I am ready to find another job.  This same co-worker called me last week cussing at me over the phone.  I immediately went to my boss and let her know what happened.  She stated that she was aware of the issue and it would be taken care of.  But then yesterday he does the same thing except this time it was in email form not verbally.  So clearly the issue has not been taken care of.  It is too much to deal with at this point in my life.  Aren't we suppose to enjoy our jobs at least a little bit?  This man makes it impossible for me to not only enjoy my job but now I feel like I have to defend myself on every move I make.

I have started applying for other jobs, but I am never going to find anything in the city I live making what I make now.  So do I get 2 jobs, spend even less time with my son because I will have to work more hours to just make ends meet?  What do I do?


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Oct 01, 2010
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