Finally moving again on the scale....84 lbs lost so far!

Jun 04, 2011

It took almost a month but I finally saw those 2 lbs I was losing and gaining go away and lost another 2 lbs in addition!  So, I am just under my six month mark and have lost a total of 84 lbs.  I am now at the weight I was when I was first pregnant with my daughter 17 years ago.  Kinda crazy!  I do feel good and I have no regrets for having this surgery.  I still haven't tried all the "new" foods that I am allowed at this stage.  I keep delaying because I figure that I have all the time in the world to eat those things so why rush?  I still do protein first --- eggs, chicken, and seafood -- if I need something crunchy I have pretzels (only 5 small ones) and if I need more protein then it's my protein shake from Costco.  I drink water throughout and can now drink it a lot faster than before.  I have indulged in an adult beverage every once in awhile but it has only been white wine and never more than two glasses.  I am terrified of dumping so I try not to push any of my limits -- I have really only dumped once since surgery and it was awful!  I will say that what you hear is true - one glass of wine and I am woozy! I also can process it pretty quick and it seems to be out of my system.  Thank God since I really don't like the woozy feeling.

Exercise is my demon -- I am battling my lazy urges.  Although the hanging skin is becoming ever more evident and it's starting to bother me. 

I am in therapy and see my shrinkage every week to every two weeks depending upon our schedules.  I feel it's so important to address the head issues that helped me get to obese in the first place.  I know that eating was a coping mechanism --- I know that I am an emotional eater.  I realized very early on that I needed help to deal with the "why" of my obesity because I don't want to go back to that way again.  We have made really good progress.  I have been in therapy before and I always hated that it took so many sessions before we actually got to the crux of the matter so I decided to do it a little differently.  I put together a list of things I needed to address.  I then put together on paper who everyone is in my family and a narrative about my growing up years -- this way my shrinkage can review my information and the notes from the previous session so that we can pick up where we left off and it's not spending half of an appointment going over the last appointment.  It seems to work pretty well and I am really seeing progress in our sessions.  I have a whole new viewpoint of my past and my family.  One that has a whole lot more understanding and acceptance.  I truly recommend to people with this surgery to seek therapy in one form or another.  It is helpful.

As for the hubby, I am worried about his weight and his eating habits.  I sincerely hoped that he would be inspired and motivated with my weight loss.  I was even hoping that he would get competitive with me.  That has not happened and I think he's a little worse.  He is a fast food junkie and trolls around to places where he can pick food up and eat it before he gets home.  He knows what he is doing is bad for his health but he cannot seem to help himself.  I pray that he finds what he needs to overcome his issues with food.  I try to be supportive and I only keep healthy food in the house but I am not there when he's out driving around....

One another note my OH friends, I need your prayers.  My cousin's son was killed in Afghanistan yesterday.  He was 23 years old and leaves behind a wife and 22 month old baby.  He was leading his group in a caravan and they came under fire.  He left his vehicle to check on his men and a sniper got him.  He is not the only one who has died for our country but he is the first in our family in many many years.  If you so desire, please say a prayer for him and his family.  Thank you and God Bless you all.


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Jan 11, 2007
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