15 hrs or so...

Mar 23, 2011

And I'll be off to the hospital ready to start my journey. Man, I thought getting approved would be so... stressless. Boy was I wrong. lol. I guess everything happens for a reason, and now I'm less than a day from being Sleeved. Its just amazing. I feel so luckly and blessed to have this opportunity to get my body back and my life.

Everyone has been so great on here and on youtube. Really been awesome and made me feel great. I can't sress how great you all are.

I'm going to tape my "Eve of the Sleeve" video right now. Tell you all how I'm feeling and dealing with STARVATION. lol. I hope I'm one of those Sleevers whose Grehlin leaves with the extracted stomach.

I am SO hungry. I've locked myself away in my room. My stomach is growling, I guess it knows it has its hours numbered. lol

I just can't believe it. Its just... amazing. Here I am and things are actually working out.

My whole families coming to visit me at the hospital. Miss SleeveGenie says she'll come by afterwork too. I never knew we lived so close. lol So I'm very excited and happy. Hopefully I won't be too drugged up. lol 

Video should be up around 5 or 6pm.

Everyone Take Care. I'll soon be on the losers bench, on the otherside.



About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 22, 2010
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