And the countdown begins....

Feb 15, 2012

 As of today.....I have 40 days left until surgery day!! I can't believe how fast time really is going it seems so unreal! I would have been on a countdown to a Caribbean cruise but I had to reschedule that to next year! I figure that I will be able to do way more next April than now....that includes fitting into an airplane seat without the extension!

Did anyone watch Donald's 600lb life? It scared me to death, he gained so much weight back. I know he wasn't following any type of meal plan or exercising but boy that was a real wake up call. I am going to try my best to do everything possible to keep on track and I am going to stick a before picture on my fridge to remind me of where I do not want to be!

My hubby is getting more on board with this whole thing which makes me feel so much better. I told him just think of how much more fun we can have in the bedroom! LOL I am sure that perked up his interest! He is losing weight without doing anything, that pisses me off! He asked me to buy him suspenders for his work pants cuz they keep falling down! He claims his belt is way to big but refuses to order a smaller pair of pants! Geez, men!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Valentine's day.....for once I did!

Have a great week and happy hump day!


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About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 30, 2011
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