Trials & tribulations - edited after sudden disconnect

Dec 11, 2009

Mom died 2 weeks ago today, and although her ashes ("cremains") are safe inside a box in my home office and I have notified everyone (friends, family, the VA, SS, the bank, credit card co., etc.), I'm just now realizing how complicated it is to exit this life nowadays.  Even though Mom had no assets & no debts, it's clearly going to take more than 2 weeks to wrap everything up.  And that's not even considering the emotional aspects.

Speaking of which, my lap-band is reminding me that stress can affect your restriction.  At first, that frustrated me, but I guess it's good to get stress signals from somewhere, because it forces me to slow down and pay attention to what's going on - not just in my body, but my mind and heart.

While my heart is full of pain at losing my mother, my mind is full of anger.  Two reasons:

1. The nursing home (otherwise excellent) ignored my instructions and called their own choice of local funeral home to handle Mom's body when they couldn't reach me the day she died (I was at work).  Mom had purchased a pre-need deal for cremation when she lived in NY, but the local guys had embalmed her without my permission by the time I got a hold of them (what they did is illegal in NY, I don't know about TN).  Needless to say, they won't be getting paid for that.  And, the obituary they put in the paper had the day of the memorial service wrong and my name misspelled.  Nothing earth-shaking, but aggravating nonetheless.

To be continued...


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