I am one week out today...

Feb 08, 2010

I haven't written at all and maybe because I've been kind of a recluse. So I'm going to do a little recap of my week

Day of surgery I woke up at 4:00 so I could be at the hospital by 6. Around 6:30 I was taken to the preop room and around 8 I was taken to the surgery room. I woke up around 10 and I felt like I could barely breathe. I may have been having a panic attack because I remember I kept telling the lady I felt out of breathe. Around 10:45 they started taking me to my room and on the way they banged me against the elevator and I was NOT happy about that, but I was too out of it to say anything. I was happy to be in my room finally, but I still wasn't able to see my family because they wanted to get me all situated first. I was pretty irritated at this point because they didn't have my pain medication ready so I had to wait when I could have used it. The respitory therapist came in and made me cough and that was possibly one of the worst things ever since it's all in your belly. I kept telling her that I didn't have my pain meds yet and it really hurt, but she said " no , you still have to do it". bitch. hahaha. I was so angry at her!

Anyway, I finally got all rigged up to the machines and everything and at that point I was able to see my family! I was so happy to see them , but then I was out for a couple hours and in that time my sister in law came to visit. Around 2:30 I got up so I could go to the bathroom and slowly, but surely I was able to go by myself. Since I was already up at that point I asked if it'd be okay for me to start walking and they said yes. At this point I didn't feel gassy just slightly sore and tired, but I was trotting along. At this point I was told I was the poster child of surgery which I thought was cute . I went to lay back down and they kept coming for my pressure,heperin shots and blood tests. I was feeling pretty good at this point all things considered and I barely pushed the morphine button. I walked every 2 hours and I didn't use anything I brought with me to the hospital. 2 of my friends came to visit me that night and we just hung out and talked while I pushed my morphine button! hahaha it was good times and I was really glad they stopped by =). My husband spent the night and we held hands even though it was kind of hard. 

The next morning I waited and waited to go for my testing to see if everything was going down fine and I was told it was going to be at 7 or 8. I was way ready to be able to drink something since those little spongecicles didn't quite cut it. I didn't end up going in til around 3 or so. Apparently the liquid I drank was going through slowly, but everything was fine. When I got my food tray I was only able to eat some of the popsicle and ice. I was able to leave around 6:30. The drive home was kind of scary because I was getting sore.

The 3rd was hard because I was very very sore and I had felt so much better at the hospital that I had thought I'd be feeling even better at home. Apparently this is what happens when you havent ever had surgery because everyone says this is normal. hahah Every day that passed I have felt better and better, but I was still frustrated since all I've done is lay around. Yesterday- 6 days after surgery I was feeling more like myself and in a much better mood. I decided to cook dinner for everyone since I've been finding some really awesome recipes. I had a good time making dinner with my husband, but as time went on I got more and more sore. My arms, back and belly were sore so I decided to come upstairs to lay so I wouldn't get more swollen. That was the best thing I could have done then .

Today I am one week out and 29lbs down.. Pretty hilarious since I've been doing nothing but laying here. My wrists, arms, and face look much smaller, but it's hard to tell in my mid-section since I'm still swollen. I'm going to have to take my wedding ring off since I've lost so much weight it's about to fall off. Tomorrow I'm going for my 1 week checkup and hopefully all will go well.

Not once have I regretted this, but many times I've said that I'm ready to be back to normal. I would not have been able to do this without the support of everyone I love, especially my husband. Being impatient & stubborn make for a bad combination when someone is trying to heal. hahaha All in all this has been a wonderful experience, I'm just ready to get back to life.

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kansas city, MO
Feb 07, 2008
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