Shoulda kept my big mouth shut

Nov 20, 2010

In all my excitement over deciding to have the RNY, I think I talked about it a bit too much.  I am thinking that maybe I should have kept it quiet.  I have many people who are supportive: friends, family, and co-workers.  However I am getting lots of other people, who have overheard me talking about it, offer their 2 cents worth.  Of course everyone knows someone who has had it done and did not have great success, whether it be complications or just plain GAIN back of the weight.  Knowing this one person makes them experts and of course they have to warn me against having it.  I sit there and listen, well half listen anyways.  I am trying to tune it out.  After all they mean well, I think.  I try to take all this with a grain of salt.  But I would be un-human if I did would say that it did not get my brain thinking. 

As the time grows nearer, I am finding myself beginning to ask myself many questions.  The one that I keep coming back to, my hang up of sorts, is did I really try everything else humanly possible to get this weight off and is surgery my only option right now.  Yep, thats a big one.  Once I think it, it gets the gears a moving.  Most of the time it seems that I am in bed and trying to go to sleep when this pops in my head.  I can kiss sleep, atleast anytime soon, goodbye.


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Surgery Date
Aug 23, 2010
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