
Dec 09, 2010

I am not an emotional eater but I am a stress eater.  So far I have experienced great success with my weight loss journey since surgery, but now I am truly being tested.  I am five weeks into my surgery and dealing with a family crisis.  It is the type of crisis to change your life forever, and make you crawl in a hole.  I am finding during this time I desire all the foods I can not have, nor should ever eat again.  I have to keep telling my brain NO!  No, I can not have the popcorn, no the Snicker bar will not be healthy, no to the big bowl of noodles that exceed my dietary limitations.  This has not been easy and I am the first to admit I have slipped up.  The important thing is getting back on track. 

We will all have moments in our life like I am having now.  Those life changing movements that make you ask, "what is it all for?"  Well I know what it is all for!  It is about living my life in great health and prolonging my life span.  It is about being able to like who I am as a person and being satisfied I have done all I can to make positive choices from this moment forward.  So, for any of you who come across moments like I am experiencing now, DON'T GIVE IN AND DON'T GIVE UP!  This to shall pass! 

~For I know the plans I have for you~ Jeremiah 29:11


About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 20, 2010
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