About me

Jul 26, 2013

Hi, my name is Stephanie...  I'm 47 years old and have been overweight for most of my life.  

I'm 5'2" and weight 210, well maybe 215, but then again it could be 220.  I've not weighed myself in sometime and I refuse to look at the scale when I am at the doctor's office.  

I have tried Jenny Craig, Nurti-System, Weight Watchers, only eating proteins and much more... Nothing is helping me and I have absolutely no willpower at all.  

At this point in my life, everything seems wrong with me.  Have a seat, this part might take a while.  I was diagnosed with Diabetes at 28.  My father and my maternal grandfather had Diabetes.  I grew up with my grandfather giving himself insulin everyday, but never thought it might happen to me.  My maternal side of the family also has heart issues.  I didn't have any that I knew of, but my grandmother had a heart attack in her mid/late 80's.  He recovery took over 6 months and to be honest, she was never the same again.  My mothers brother died of a massive heart attach at 45.  No sooner did her tell his partner he was not feeling well, by the time she got around the bed, he was gone.  My mother also have some issues, but so far, nothing major.  

Me...  well, that's another story.  In 2007 I was living in the UK.  I was under a lot of stress at the time and didn't realize how much.  One day, I had indigestion...  Thought nothing of it.  It went away for a few days.  In August 2009 I got indigestion again.  Couldn't sleep all night, my dog kept jumping on me and I could tell he was worried about something.  I told my then-husband that I wasn't feeling well.  He said, "Go back to bed, you are fine."  The next day, will still no rest, I phoned my mother to tell her something wasn't right with me and I wanted to go to the ER.  Of course, she came and got me and took me.  (Ex-husband wouldn't be able to drink in the hospital and this was his excuse for not taking me or even visiting me while I was in.)

Blood work revealed I had suffered a heart attack.  43 years old!

I received two stents and was sent on my way.  

October 2010 I told my boyfriend of 6 months I wasn't feeling well again and he rushed me to the ER.  I was in for nearly 3 weeks and had a double bypass.  

There are a few other things wrong with me now and I do contribute most of it to being overweight!!  How did I ever get this fat?  

Sometimes I feel like, "Hey, I'm not really all that fat.  Yeah, I could lose a few pound, but I'm not fat."  I guess I've not looked in a mirror in a while...  If I had to describe myself to you.  I'd say I looked like two toothpicks stuck in a biscuit.  Legs, arms are ok.  My torso...  NOT!  I even have the stomach apron going on.  

After much thought and evaluation of my life, I have decided to look in to Bariatric Surgery.  The is a huge step for me to get my life back.  

If you have come across this blog, I hope you will return soon to see how things are going.    

I HAVE MY FIRST APPOINTMENT ON MONDAY AFTERNOON (07/29/13)...  It's going to start here and now!


About Me
Jul 24, 2013
Member Since

Friends 3

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