Week 2 -6.6 (30 lbs lost since start of pre-op)

Feb 05, 2014

Starting Weight: 338

Current Weight: 307.6

Total Loss: 30.4 lbs

Well, so far so good.  It's crazy that I've lost 30 lbs and almost no one has noticed.  That says a lot about how far I have to go.  There was a time in my life where a 30 lb loss would have been a huge difference.  Oh well, I'm on the path now, I guess that's all I can focus on.  I am noticing my jeans are getting very loose, so I"m liking that.

I'm still on all liquid protiens, but I get to have soup this friday!  That's exciting.  I've been going on 1/2 hr walks during my lunch break which has been really nice and relaxing.  I bought a fitbit one and I love it, it really helps me to challenge myself in terms of total daily steps.  I"m a big fan (I also love the tracker app on my phone, it makes it kind of fun).

I had my first family/social outing since surgery (I've kind of been living like a recluse to avoid food and talking about why I'm not eating as I haven't told many people yet).  I gotta say, it was HARD!  There was so much good food and everything smelled great, but I was good and stuck to sipping my water (I drank a protien shake before and after the event).  The bummer was the next morning when I stepped on the scale, I didn't lose anything (first time since I started this process).  Old me would have taken that as a sign and gone and got a bunch of junk and spent the rest of the day eating crap.  Post pouch me kept to her shakes and water and I saw a loss the following day.  At this point, only 2 weeks out, I really have to remind myself EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. that this is a journey.  I think I've been on so many crash diets in my life that changing my mindset is really going to be one of my biggest obstacles.  I just have to remember: I'm a work in progess.


About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 28, 2013
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