Will this ever happen for me?

May 04, 2010

I started my journey along the WLS road in November of 2008. I met with my surgeon at that time and started the six-month process to the O.R.... after 6 months, he decided I needed to wait for a little bit to make sure I had some past eating/bingeing disorders under control, found this out in the Spring of 2009. Thinks drug on throughout the Summer and Fall and the nutritionist I was assigned to left the practice. I started seeing the new nutritionist and she got together with my therapist and we all came to an agreement in January 2010 that as long as I could have six months binge-free, I could plan on surgery for late June/early July. I called today to check in with my nutritionist to try to find a "ballpark" date of when I could plan on surgery as I am in school and planning to take Summer classes. She passed me along to the clinic manager who said that my surgery wouldn't be in late June/early July, but that's when I would be re-evaluated for surgery! According to her, as long as I'm still binge-free, the surgeon "should" schedule surgery and it would probably be late Sept/early October before I'd get in the O.R.! I AM LIVID! I feel this WLS clinic is just stringing me along and would love any advice. I've already contacted another clinic at another hospital system, but I would be starting the process over ( I think)... I'm so upset and not really sure what to do. I will not binge, I've been binge free since December, but I am wanting to just stop eating and try to lose that way. I know people say it doesn't work and that it puts our bodies into "starvation mode" but anorexics do it all the time, and they lose weight. Sorry so long and so blunt, but I need advice from people who I know can understand what I'm going through and empathize with how I am feeling :(... thanks. 


About Me
Nashville, TN
Surgery Date
Nov 04, 2008
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