Emotional Eater?................Present

Oct 29, 2011

i finally realized tooday i am a emotional eater which is deadly not only am i doing this to myself i am also doing this to my childern does this make me a bad mother i dont know i do know they are the reason i breath and that i love them and i feel like if i can get some hlep i can help them today is 10-29-2011 i went to the dooctor and found out that i gained three pounds back i was upset but not suprised this song and dance is all to familiar to me up and down i think the insurance company is so cruel asking me to lose thirty pounds upfront if i could do it on my own i wouldnt need the surgery.well enough venting today hopefully tomorrow will be a better day..............song for today...thats just the way a father is he'll be your friend when your not his..................thank you god for being my comforter


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Oct 17, 2011
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