Sick - Sugar or Soup?

Oct 07, 2010

The ultimate test of my sugar-free (junk-free too) is today.  I'm sick.  In the past, I've self-medicated myself when I get sick.  I'll spare you the details but when I get sick with upper respiratory stuff, I get really sick.  It hangs on and just drains me.  So here I am on Day 4 of no sugar/junk stuff and I get sick.  The ULTIMATE test.  I'm staying on track.  I'm honoring the commitment to myself.  I'm taking care of myself in healthy ways.  No popping a sugary/junk food choice.  I'm drinking tea, lots of water, and healthy, true nurturing ways. 

When my kids are sick, I nurture them.  I don't give them a cookie to make them feel better.  So....I'm giving myself the same care, love and compassion that I give to others in my life.  Rather than push myself to be there for others, I'm going to give myself the same consideration.  Duh, sounds like a no-brainer.  It hasn't been.  I can't even begin to claim that it'll be easy or come natural.  Part of my natural instincts are to be there for others.  I love doing that.  It is a part of who I am.  I have a portion of my heart that is dedicated to caring.  Hello.....what about caring for myself?! 

Even as I write this, it sounds selfish, self-centered, and I definitely don't mean it that way.  When a friend or family member are sick or going through a difficult time, I give them my care, compassion, extra thoughts and give even more of myself.  Yet, I don't do anything close to that for myself when I'm sick. 

So, I've committed here and on my blog (even more) that I'm taking care of myself.  Rather than pop a cookie, I'm making real nurturing things that I would for anyone else - hot tea that feels wonderful on my very sore throat, drinking extra water, and eating soup, going to bed early and other true nurturing things. 

Here's to true nurturing ourselves whether sick or healthy - do something for ourselves too!

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