No time like NOW to get Back On Track!

Sep 22, 2010

Today, I made a couple of food choices that probably weren't the greatest.  From there, I made another choice that was even less than the couple of poor choices I'd made before.  When we get off that roller coaster of the diet mentality, we don't have to beat ourselves up when we make a few less than fantastic choices in a day.  It doesn't have to be black/white - "I'm on my diet" or "I cheated on my diet."  Life isn't that black and white. 

I'm not perfect in my food choices every day.  On MOST days, I do make healthy choices and I stay on track.  However, on those days that I don't, I don't get out the bat and beat myself over the head.  I also don't want until some specific day like "next Monday" or "the first of next month" or some other magical date in the future. 

Forget about waiting for the perfect moment.  Now is the time to get started. -Ralph Marston

If you find yourself  making a couple of less than ideal food choices, forgive yourself.  You don't have to beat yourself up because all that will do is make you feel worse about yourself.  You'll then get into the cycle of feeling badly about yourself- eating-feeling worse about yourself-eating, etc., etc.  Learn something from why you ate what you did (out of some emotion or problematic situation) and move forward. 

Remember, the most important day when you get off track is the following day.  It is that next day that you make the choice to get right back on track or continue the cycle of being off track.  You don't have to wait until the next day.  With your very next meal or food choice, get right back on track.  You're worth it!!  This WLS process isn't a race but is a journey.



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