The 4 C's (Control, Commitment, Choice & Consistency)

May 03, 2010

I'm in the process of writing a Weight Loss Purpose Statement.  Something that I can say to myself when I'm in the kitchen and the Cathy cravings are calling my name.  One of the things I've always remembered are the 4 C's which are Control, Commitment, Choice and Consistency.  For me, the 4 C's are the essence of what I need to do to maintain my weight AND most importantly feel successful.  Here are my thoughts.....

1.  Control = We cannot control other people, situations, or other external circumstances.  The only thing we can control is ourselves.  I know I've turned to food when I feel out of control in my life.  Of course, duh, when I turn to food, I am more out of control.  Doesn't make sense at all but it is what I'e done in the past.  I can control my behavior, my responses and reactions to emotions, my attitude, thoughts, etc., etc., by exercising my best self-control.  Rather than eat out of control over something externally out of my control, I CAN stay in control!   When I stay in control by following my healthy lifestyle habits, I create momentum and build on my successes.  I exercise my control muscle and make it stronger.  When I stay in control and not succumb to emotional overeating and cravings, staying in control gets easier and easier, and becomes second nature.  Rather than reaching for food, I stay in control by using my powerful self-control.

2.  Commitment = We are committed to our families, our partner/spouse, our children, our friends, our jobs, and the many roles in our lives.  We value our numerous other commitments too.  The most important commitment I made is to myself.  I place a very high meaning when I make a promise (commitment).  I would not break a promise to someone once I make it.  Yet, when I go off track, emotionally overeat, or other behaviors, I am not honoring the commitment to myself.  I need to honor the commitment to myself and my healthy lifestyle just as I honor the commitment I make to others.

3.  Choice = All of like choices.  My sons love it when I give them choices.  Personal empowerment begins with choice.  Rather than feel restricted or deprived, give yourself the gift of choice.  I'm trying to focus on my choices.  Rather than immediately say NO, I allow myself the choice. 

     "No, you cannot eat the cookie or bag of chips because they are not healthy and not on your eating program."  
     "Yes, you could choose to eat the cookie or bag of chips or you could choose to stay strong and in control by following your eating program.  You know later on that you will be glad you stayed strong and in control, and kept your commitment to yourself!" 

The majority of time I make the choice that is best for me and my lifestyle.  Everyone wants choices.  It is important to me not to feel deprived or that I'm restricting myself.  Before surgery, I have turned over my choices to Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and other diet programs.  I have learned to trust myself to make the choices best for me. 

4.  Consistency = What I do consistently determines my success.  One slip or unhealthy choice isn't as important as what I do throughout my day, every day.  Consistency is the key.  I have a plaque in my office that is by Aristotle, "We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."  Practicing my habits of health even during times that, quite frankly, I don't feel like it or want to, yet do it anyway is what matters.  I'm always glad that I did stay on track rather than give in to not wanting to.  Consistency is a valuable habit for me.  Consistency creates a wave of momentum and that momentum keeps me on track. 

One day this weekend was a stressful day for me.  I had to remind myself of my 4 C's many, many times during the day and they got me through.  Now, on the other side of that day, I'm so grateful for my 4 C's!


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