1 Year, 2 weeks Post op

Jun 08, 2011

 Loss this week:  -2.4lbs.
Total loss:  113.6lbs.

I don't have much time for my update this week.  I may add more later.  I'm about to head off to talk to a surgeon about possibly removing my gallbladder, apparently the source of my recent stomach/back aches.  However, I think I may have passed a gallstone (the tremendous pain) and have been relieved since then.  

The scale is playing games with me.  It's always SO much lower on Monday!  And then up more by Wednesday Weigh-In.  Boo

This has been a really great week, emotionally.  Now, I'm about to say something that may disgust you.  You may want to get a barf bag.  But I have to share with you because it's so WONDERFUL!

I feel like Mitzi Gaynor "If you'll excuse an expression I use, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love with a wonderful".....ME!!  Wheeeee!  I really know no other way to explain it.  I've been feeling so joyous and happy.  Like singing.  I thought "how silly, almost sounds like love."  And it is!  I am so proud of myself, and for the first time feeling attractive.  It's addictive.  It's not that I did not like myself before.  But now it's through the roof.  And that, I believe, makes me much more attractive to other people.

I had a few hungry days this week, followed by some barely-able-to-eat days.  Had the best brat the other day with some mustard.  Yum.  Trying to eat protein first, but other than that, it's fair game.  Really need to step up my game, though.  I just get so bored with food, especially protein, and cooking things I don't like for such a small portion.  Any breakfast ideas?  Loved my poached egg and toast the other day.  I hate yogurt so I've finally given up on that.  Can't drink milk, so cereal is pretty much out.  

Loving this week:  5 boxes to send off to my friend full of clothes (some are my sisters), and between my sister and me, 3 construction bags worth of clothes and things to donate to good will.  Don't know how it all fit before, but for the first time, I feel fabulous about letting go.  Don't know why the sudden conversion...before it was enough to kill me to get rid of these clothes.  Scored Meet the Beatles LP while antiquing last Friday.  2 BUCKAROOS!!!  Must've been a mistake.  Super collectible, and usually way marked up.  Was a pretty great weekend.  Friday did the pho and bubble tea thing, antiquing, and then went karaoking with my friend in the evening.  Saturday I had so many things to do, but fun nonetheless.  Smoked THE BEST pork shoulder with mustard sauce.  Hey, not too OH unfriendly, right?!  Served that with slaw and mustard potato salad.  Then made an appearance at a friends' party, then went two steppin.  

One of the really fun things to happen since surgery.  So I meet this guy who's like 6'5 (soooo awesome yes!).  Didn't think a thing about it.  All of a sudden at the end of the evening I'm like ohmygosh I've met you before.  He totally doesn't recognize me (to be fair, I almost didn't him, either).  And he probably wouldn't have given me a second thought before, but now he's hitting on me!!!

Okay, I really do have to go, but I'll upload some pics when I get back, so wait for it....!

Back from doctor.  Surgeons are such assholes, in general.  Like you are supposed to walk in, have no questions, have complete faith in them, be 100% compliant, have no reservations.  Like what they say is the world of god.  Ugh so irritating.  Don't think I'll be having surgery, especially not with this arrogant jerk, anyhow.  

Back to pleasantness.  I don't think I'd shared with y'all the outfit I wore on a date a couple weeks ago, so I'll include that below.  Pretty interesting guy.  Who else can bring up Xanadu (Olivia Newton John film), and then ponder Grendel (as in Beowulf) in the same conversation?  Don't know that I'm meant to be anything more than friends with this dude, but it's fun to talk to thinking people.  Something I think we are sorely lacking in the ROTFLMAO LOL BBL BFF TTFN AFAIK texting era.  

Outfit ($10 dress, I'm an incredible shopper!)

This week's pic...I've always fantacized about wearing white shorts, and look at those legs of mine!  Thinning out, and getting really tan!!

I'm going to be updated my blog soon (I keep a food blog, did ya know?), but here is that incredible pork (this was a normal person's plate.  I had just the pork, a bite of potato salad, and a little slaw)


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Surgery Date
Aug 26, 2009
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