Time for a Week 5 Update

Jun 29, 2010

 This week was really a struggle for me.  That is starting to sound like every week.  However, maybe that old adage about what does not kill you only makes you strong is true?  One can hope.

First, for the weight.  It is difficult to pinpoint exactly how much I lost this week because I did not have my week 4 weigh in until Saturday.  But, in the 4 days since Saturday, I have lost 2.6lbs.  That's pretty good!  I think I'm more in stall-ish mode right now and hope to see a few more 3, 4, or 5# losses before I'm totally in the world of 2s, but I'll take what I can get.

My mom, sister, and I left for Clemson early Tuesday morning.  We have this neat plug-in car cooler thing that we took.  I sliced strips of the steak I'd prepared over the weekend, and Blair prepared two large bags of fruit.  That is mostly what we ate in the car.  I did *try* to have half a hamburger.  Thank goodness I wasn't sick.  We stayed overnight outside Atlanta and finished up the trip early Wednesday morning.  I took a tour of Clemson and felt terrible.  I haven't been eating much, of course, and the weather was oppressively hot, on top of walking all over a college campus.  To make matters worse, the graduate advisor never returned my calls or emails, even though we had just barely missed him while on campus (so I know he wasn't on vacation).  Pretty much everything I ate while there cause discomfort.  One place I went, I thought the best selection would be the battered, fried, cod.  BIG mistake.  Don't know what I was thinking.  I can say for sure that greasy foods do not sit well with me at all.  We drove back on Friday and did it in one fell swoop.

So as far as Clemson goes, it's looking less and less wonderful.  That's a friggin long way away.  I'd be paying out of state tuition.  And I'm still not quite that ready to be so far from my family, especially given the circumstances.

This weekend I felt almost normal.  My tiny sister and bil and niece came over and I swam and did not drink beer.  I really miss my once in a blue moon beer or wine or 'rita.  

Yesterday (Tuesday), I awakened with a horrible sore throat which progressed to some kind of an ear thing.  I'll admit I did not eat great yesterday, but I ate so little!  I have a couple cups of tea with real honey in them.  For lunch I had a butternut squash soup which was nice because it was just thick enough to kind of coat my throat with warmth as it went down.  I tried to take two bites of protein for dinner and immediately felt sick.  So hopefully today I'll feel up to eating.  Tonight, given that I feel up to it, I am going out to a bar with a friend to hear a band.  This might be somewhat challenging.  Just having something in my hand is kind of like a security blanket.  All the better if it is inhibitions-limiting alcohol!  I just don't want to draw attention to myself, and I always feel like a cheapskate when I go somewhere and don't order something.  I've gotten some good ideas on here (cranberry juice, iced tea, vegetable juice).

Oh, I nearly forgot!  I am really starting to notice my weightloss.  I wish that 27lbs. made more of a difference, but I do see a difference nonetheless.  All of my clothes are miraculously sliding on with ease.  I even tried on a size 16 dress without feeling ridiculous.  It's still several weeks away but I can't believe I'm even flirting with the idea.

I'm still not totally sold on this surgery, but my hunger seems a bit more bearable, and I'm beginning to feel like a normal person again and going out and doing things.  So at least it's getting better...for now.

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