Good bye 100 lbs, it was not nice knowing you!!!

Feb 08, 2012

 Wow Ive lost 100lbs, that's the size of my grand daughter, or 20,   5lb bags of flour,I cant imagine picking up my grand daughter and carrying her 24/7 unable to put her down, but that's what I was doing
 I cant believe this worked for me, and to be honest, compared to some things Ive done before, this was soooo easy. I basically took the decision to eat healthy away from myself. I took my life back from myself, and it feels great. to the people that say I took the easy way out...... yes I did and I'm not sorry, but this option is available to everyone, I'm a firm believer that if you really want something bad enough you will find a way to make it happen, Ive lost 100* lbs before, but I know this weight wont be coming back this time
 My life style has changed, who would have ever thought Id enjoy going to Curves and it is easier to exercise 100bs lighter, I always eat protein first, I still don't eat much bread, my new tummy doesn't tolerate it well, and I found out I don't need it after all, if I want something sweet I eat it, I just cant eat much of it, and not often. the hardest thing for me has been not drinking with my meals, I do miss that. but that's a small price to pay and I don't feel like I'm on a diet, I eat what I want, I just don't want the same things now.
 When I started this journey, I was wearing a size 24, jeans, and 2xl tops, now I wear a size 16 jeans and large to med tops, Ive even needed to buy new undies I held on to my big clothes for a while, old habits dye hard I guess but I have gotten rid of them now. to be honest if I didn't loose another lb Id be happy.
 I'm so glad I stumbled on to this site, and that I found out about this surgery, and that for the most part I had great support from my family and friends and OH.
 I don't think I realized how much emotional baggage came with that 100lbs, but it too is dropping off, and for me that's harder than loosing the weight. I'm not the same person I was at the start of this process, alot has happened in this past year, and I'm better for it
 It took about a month to finally say I LOVE MY SLEEVE, but I do, and thank God every day for it!  I wish you all the best of luck, and continued success.................Connie


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Jan 10, 2011
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