Speeding ahead....

May 29, 2010

It’s now been 7 weeks since surgery. I could write for days about the changes and experiences that I have encountered in these few weeks, but I have lots of stuff to do today, so I’ll keep it brief.

 I’ve now lost a total of 30 pounds. 23 of which in the last nine weeks – about 7 in the two weeks before surgery and 16 since.  I had my first fill on Monday, at my 6 week post op. They added 1.5 to the 3.0 that they put it at surgery. I can’t really say that I’ve hit my “sweet spot,” but I’ve lost 5 lbs since Monday (it’s now Saturday). Wow!!  I couldn’t believe my eyes when I was on the scale this morning. I weigh only once per week so as not to become discouraged, but this was the best one yet! I could tell something was happening because pants I wore last week were even more baggy. Oh well…off  they go to the “sharing bag” that I keep in my closet to share with those who are on the same journey. I love being able to share my clothes and hopefully encourage others who are going through this.

 I haven’t shopped for any clothes yet. I’m a bit apprehensive, as I know it will be weird to find a size to start with. I am wearing anything from 16s to 20s that are in my closet. That’ll start changing a bit faster now I think. I’m now with no long jeans to wear. The last pair are just too baggy and make me look stumpy. I have a pair of Capri length jeans so they are my go-to pair right now.

 Some of the more profound experiences that I have had in the last 9 weeks are seeing a different face in the mirror. Mostly when I don’t have on any makeup, I have had glimpses of my childhood face in the mirror. My smile is different – more smile lines and dimples around my mouth and chin. Not age wrinkles, but more contours. The skin around my eyes is decreasing too which makes putting on makeup way more fun. I’ve been experimenting with different eye liner styles as it’s firmer around my eyes. That’s been fun.

Another is the ability to paint my toe nails! I was able to reach all the lil piggies – even the little one – and it felt so good! Looking at my toes makes me happy now. J

Another was yesterday when I was doing some online training for my new job (I’m studying for my property broker license) and I was up on my bed with books and my laptop all around me. I could bend over to reach things and fold my legs up under me, which I haven’t been able to do in years. I crossed my legs the other day while sitting at a restaurant. I can reach to higher shelves in the kitchen as I can get closer to the edge of the countertop. I don’t mind bending over to reach things below me as it’s not laborious any longer. These are all subtle changes, but give me so much joy as I progress. I know there will be many more and things that I can do but just haven’t noticed yet.

I performed last week on a stage for the first time in years (my husband and I play swing and bluegrass music). I was able to wear a cute little green sharkskin suit that I’ve had for years but haven’t been able to wear. I was actually excited about it instead of dreading it, afraid of what people would think. When I saw the photos and video of the gig, I was so pleasantly surprised and not mortified to have people see the images. Now I’m thinking of cute ways to wear my hair and the types of clothes to wear onstage as I am shrinking. I want to try a French twist style as my hair is longer, but I have no way to do it! I’ll have to hit up YouTube and see if there are how-to videos! It just feels SO good to not feel so embarrassed about being in front of people.

 Eating is going well. I can still eat just about anything – even since my fill. I just have to take tiny bites and chew really well. I do feel full now though very soon so that’s why I’m losing more now I’m sure. I sure feels different for which I’m glad as before the fill, I didn’t have to be so careful. This is really making me slow down and eat a lot less. Yay! I’m enjoying Crystal Lite and Wyler’s individual packets for my water. I don’t miss soda at all. Considering how much soda I drank before, I’m really surprised. I haven’t’ felt any sorrow or remorse for missing any of my favorite foods. I just always go to what I can have and should have for my protein requirements. I ate a cookie yesterday to celebrate passing my preliminary exam test, but I ate 1/3 of it over the course of the day. My blood sugars were fine with each reading. I’m not going to tempt fate and start eating cookies, but it tasted really good and I really enjoyed it as a celebration. Who knew a freaking cookie could mean so much and so little at the same time. I felt no pangs to have another one, or thinking “cool…I can eat cookies now” or anything like that. It was just what it was. 

 Another challenge has arisen this week. At my 90 day follow up at my PCP, I had to do my annual mammogram but got a call that there was something they wanted to follow up. There are micro-calcifications that didn’t look right, so Thursday off I went for a needle biopsy. Ugh. It wasn’t too bad, just more nerves after they showed me the video of what they do! I think ignorance is indeed bliss sometimes! When I could hear the sounds of the machines, I then knew what they were doing and it made me nervous. I wasn’t really nervous before the video! I told the doctor and nurse that and they said people had that reaction more often than they thought. Well hell, stop showing the scary video then! Sheesh! The procedure was ok and the residual soreness has been minimal. I haven’t even taken the liquid Tylenol I bought just in case. Now we are in the waiting stage to find out the results. I don’t think about it too often…there is just so much goodness going on now in my life that I’ll just deal with whatever comes and celebrate all the goodness that is here – my weight loss, my music, my new job, changes my husband has made in his life that are awesome….I’m so thankful and grateful for all of these things. Anything else will have it’s proper place and onward I will tread. Tuesday should bring the results from my PCP and I’ll just fit any further treatments into everything that I’m doing. My husband is taking it harder than I am, but perhaps I’m just staying strong to help him cope. I’ve always been the strong one in my two marriages, and perhaps that’s my coping mechanism. I don’t fall apart so that no one else will either. I don’t know…I reserve the right to change my tune next week depending on the outcome of this, but so far, I’m dealing and thrilled to pieces that I’m shrinking at a nice rate!

Blessings to all as we push along in our journeys!

Xoxo Lori


About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 13, 2009
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Latest Blog 18
