Moving along....

Sep 18, 2013

So i went in for my stress test yesterday, first they took an ultrasound of my heart, I then went back to the waiting area and was called again buy the technician who would be doing the "workout" portion of the test. He took me back and took my blood pressure, stuck some leds all over the place, then he put a IV line in. A few minutes later the doctor comes in and starts talking to me then tells me to hold on and leaves out. I hear him and a few other people out in the hallway discussing my blood pressure. When he comes back he has a doctor with him that i had met at my previous appointment. Apparently my pressure was high (142/90) and they were concerned about me doing the exercise because it could cause my pressure to go up more. So we discussed the risks and decided that i would do the test but the bottom number of my pressure went above a 100 they would have to stop the test and i would have to come back and do it again when my pressure was lower. I get on the treadmill and they continue to monitor my pressure, somebody comes in and gives me a shot of radiation in my IV. I finish that part without incident. I go to another waiting room for about 20 mins, the tech that gave me the radiation shot comes and gets me and takes me to go get pics of my heart taken. For this process i have to sit in a chair that rotates, with a bar that holds your arms up. He turns the lights off and says it will take about 20 mins and to be very still and try not to fall asleep. After that is done i go back to the waiting area because he need to make sure the pics are readable after about 10 mins he comes and tells me that the pics came out good so i can leave. It all took about 3.5 hours. I was scheduled to go back today to do the "resting" portion of the test but.....***drumroll***.....the dr called me last night and said that everything looked great and i didnt need to come do the second part!!   So i go back to the cardiologist on 10/01 so she can tell me what she thinks....moving right along... 



About Me
philadelphia, PA
Surgery Date
Sep 04, 2013
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