Stall might be broken, and I cut all my hair off. Yay!

Jul 13, 2015

So I cut all my hair.  I used to have red curls just past my shoulders.  But lately its been so dry no matter how many treatments and oils I use.  And its just breaking and falling out like crazy.  I know its the dietary changes and the hormones, but I had to do something.  So last night my husband and I, equipped with dull scissors and the dog's clippers set at 1 inch, and we set to clipping.  It felt so good.  and the hair that is left is short, healthy, full and dark red.  No frizz or dryness.  

I am determined to drink a lot of water for the rest of the month.  I have told myself I am allowed 1 ICE drink a day, but the rest of the day I need to drink water, pure and simple.  And I am going to set up mini goals for myself each week.  So this week it is 2 Red Cups (32 ounces each) of water on top of the ICE drink (24 ounces), 80g of protein a day, carbs under 20g.  That is my daily mark for all this week.  Once I have done that well for a while I am going to start weeding out certain foods I have become too reliant on.  Like so much cheese.  I use way too much cheese.  I need to get on a simple track and do 6 small meals a day with meat in each meal.  

I have a party to go to on Saturday, and i am wigging out over it.  I have no idea why.  I guess because it is taking place in my FAVORITE italian restaurant and their fettuccine is spectacular!  hand made noodles every morning, heavy cream sauce, and they give you a dish of garlic on the side for you to add to it if you like.  its so amazing.  Their bread is amazing too.  But I am going to get the bacon wrapped tenderloin with asparagus.  I'm only going to eat a few of the tips, not the stalks, if I even get to them.  And I can take the rest of the meal home.  But the party is for a good friend who's birthday it is, and they have a rum cake they are making for her.  Its sinfully good.  And I can't partake.  I def don't want to.  I don't want to dump, and its not on plan, but when this cake enters the room you can smell it.  The frosting, the cherries, the rum.  All the rum.  LOL  Its to die for.  I told The Man he would have to eat a piece, then describe it to me later in hushed voices undercover in bed.  Ultimate food porn.  LOL  But today i am going to go to a store and pick out a new dress to wear to the party.  That is exciting!  Plus I am going to go to the nail salon and get my nails done.  Although it might be a bit early to do that for this weekend, so I will wait to see if that happens today.  Might want to wait till thursday or friday.

I have these red jeans in my drawer that I am afraid to try on.  They will be fitting soon, if they don't already, but i am afraid of disappointment.  I already have a bunch of tank tops I can't wear cause they are still too small and I really got my hopes up about.  But who knows, maybe by the weekend they will fit.  I could go with a rocker look for the party.  Tank top, red jeans, black boots and my black leather jacket.  possible.

At least I saw 310 this morning.  We will hold off to see what happens tomorrow.  If I lost again then my stall is officially over!!  That would make it almost 2 weeks that I stalled out.  Stalls totally suck.  Like, hard.


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Lutz, FL
Surgery Date
Mar 29, 2015
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