1 month of 6 month supervised diet, DONE!

Jul 18, 2011

i am now done with my first month of the 6 month supervised diet with my doc.
i was reviewing all my caloric intake, how much i exercised, how much i ate out...
i learned some very relevant, interesting things about my habits

in the past month:

i ate out or had fast food 8 times

i exercised only 12 times

i kept my caloric intake under goal 16 times.

what does that mean? well...i basically half assed it and only put forth about 50% effort. i need to cut the fast food and eating out, i need to exercise at least 50% more AND i have to make that caloric goal on a daily basis.

i cannot stress enough how much myfitnesspal.com works for logging in all this info.

