
Dec 21, 2010

About 6 weeks into Kaiser's program - it's getting tough. The novelty has worn off, and now it's time to buckle down - just in time for the damn holidays.

I'm stressed because of life, and family, and having to think about what I eat all day, every day is wearing on me. I can't exercise like I'd want to because of all the problems with my feet, so that's really depressing.

I've already lost 21/40 lbs Kaiser wants me to lose (since 11/11), and since apparently I could have a wait as long as another 6 months, part of me wants to say screw it and just enjoy all the wonderful snacks in my office. I have yet to do that - with a couple small bite exceptions- but damn, its tempting.

All of the people in my Options class brag about how they are going tgo eat everything and lose the weight later. I get very disappointed having to waste my time and sit through this. Our classes are not informative, and the 'teacher" lady just lets people run her over and take over the class with their own BS. UGHHHHH.

There's no way in hell I'm gaining a lb over the holidays - its hard enough to lose what I have to, I don't care to add more to it. But, if I make it and at least maintain, I'd accept that (that's not my goal - id still like to lose 3-4 lbs over the next 3 weeks).

I'm trying to tell myself this is better than a 2-3 week liquid diet I see some people doing - 1500 calories a day seems like heaven compared to that. Nice, happy thoughts - hopefully it'll get me through this funk.

Happy Holidays everyone!

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Granada Hills, CA
Surgery Date
Sep 09, 2010
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