Care giver ...worried & forgetful

Ruthie D.
on 7/27/11 5:45 am - Mayer, AZ
I actually take it one step further and do my pills for 5 weeks at a time.  When I start the 5th "stacker" I know it's time to get them set up again.   I bought a boatload of little round stacking clear containers that are for holding beads and such.  Well... they transformed into pill holders and work great for me since I can put all of one day's pills into one container.

Good luck with getting a schedule and alarm clock set up.  Welcome back to the forum Jeff.
       LIFE'S a REACH...    and then you FLY!!!   
           HW = 224, SW = 204, CW = 124, GW = 119           
on 7/27/11 1:17 pm
Great idea with the clear containers ....awesome! Thanks!
on 7/27/11 9:24 am - Riverdale, GA
I am so sorry about your wife's MS and the complications she's having. It's very hard to be the caretaker of a loved one with a chronic illness. I'm sure your wife appreciates all that you do. I know that doesn't make your day any easier, but know that you are a special kind of angel!!!!  

About the forgetfulness, you have already gotten loads of great advice. I would like to offer a few suggestions that have helped me. I also have TBI from an accident when I was in the Army and I have a hard time remembering things,too. I set alarms, I put up post its, But what works best for me is my planner. Every night, I take a few minutes to plan the next day. I set my phone alarms for appointments (including time to get ready and time to leave alarms), I plan my meals around what needs to be done and set those reminder alarms, Then I write out when my meds need to be taken and, yup, I set reminders for those,too. I have a VERY hard time remembering even basic things sometimes. It has gotten better but now I just know what I have to do to make my life work. If I forget to set my planner up, the next day I feel like I'm always running around 10 minutes late trying to play catch up. It's not a pleasant experience, so it's not something I forget very often.

Take care of yourself so that you can continue to take care of your love. Good luck.        -Julie

"It's not what is taken from you that counts. It's what you do with what you have left."-Hubert Humphrey

on 7/27/11 1:24 pm
Hey Julie, Love the quote from HHH! Sorry to hear you too struggle with a TBI. I hate that I forget so many things and I should get it together and organize myself better. Your ideas are very good ones and I will try to do better. I did well with my nutrition today, I think because I was here this morning I remembered easier. Anyways thanks for your help. ......Jeff
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