Mean People Suck!

on 10/18/13 4:10 am - PA
VSG on 05/13/13

I have said that exact same thing before... I GUARANTEE that they don't remember it. I, on the other hand, will NEVER forget it and hopefully teach my children (when I have some) better than that... the behavior I see in this town is disgusting!

For more info on my journey & goals, visit my blog at


Julie H.
on 10/18/13 5:32 am - Austin, TX
VSG on 04/23/13

Isn't it a shame that something they laughed off and forgot a minute later will leave a scar on you forever?  I have memories like that, too, and I wish I could just forget them but I can't.



What you eat in private shows in public.            HW: 245  SW: 233  GW: 120

on 10/18/13 10:17 pm - PA
VSG on 05/13/13

It is a shame. I know that when it first start happening, it devastated me. Then, over time.... I almost came to expect it and wasn't really surprised when it happened and it just kind of rolled off. I guess that for me is the saddest part... that it just became normal after awhile! It's a real shame!

For more info on my journey & goals, visit my blog at


on 10/18/13 7:47 am
VSG on 10/04/13

I was leaving a job interview once and left the building looking for a cab.  I was thinking about the interview and was bummed because I didn't think it went well, so I wasn't even really paying attention to anything much else.  A cab pulled up and I got in.  A really in-shape guy with a cute girl were across the street, but by no means near me and I hadn't even seen them.  I guess they had been waiting for a while or something and thought that it was their cab even though it stopped right in front of me.  The guy yells out as I'm getting into the cab, "Thanks a lot, fat a$$!" in front of all of these people all down the street.  Just what I needed when I was feeling low already.  I yelled back with some remark about steroids, the size of his junk and whether the girl might want to borrow a magnifying glass to find it.  But I still thought about the incident for the rest oft he day.  Anyway, yeah.  People can be ********  Karma will get them though.

VSG 10/4/13 - High 300 - Start 275 - Surgery 268 - Goal 175

on 10/18/13 2:03 pm

Just being mean or is it hate? I think a lot of it is much more than being mean.

Sometimes I think the most hurtful things are when people look and don't say anything. Totally ignoring a person...that has happened to me more than once.

And..because I wear oxygen for a lung condition I usually ride the electric shopping cart around the store. People will walk right in front of me.

I even had a woman yell at me once telling me to get out of her way...which leads me to my final thought....she had a child with her that witnessed her bad behavior (she was about 12) do you think they learn this from?

6th grade..David C wrote in my school book:"maybe something will come out of that fat someday". What a jerk. It bothers me that 38 yrs later..this still makes me sad.

Keep your dreams alive. All things are possible for those who believe.


on 10/18/13 6:06 pm
On October 18, 2013 at 9:03 PM Pacific Time, DreamAngel3372 wrote:

Just being mean or is it hate? I think a lot of it is much more than being mean.

Sometimes I think the most hurtful things are when people look and don't say anything. Totally ignoring a person...that has happened to me more than once.

And..because I wear oxygen for a lung condition I usually ride the electric shopping cart around the store. People will walk right in front of me.

I even had a woman yell at me once telling me to get out of her way...which leads me to my final thought....she had a child with her that witnessed her bad behavior (she was about 12) do you think they learn this from?

6th grade..David C wrote in my school book:"maybe something will come out of that fat someday". What a jerk. It bothers me that 38 yrs later..this still makes me sad.

My dear dream angel,

Your post made me so sad. I am so sorry for the rude, hateful people you've endured. I want to send you a big 

I'm not sure which pissed me off or hurt the most on your behalf, the rude woman or the yearbook signer.

just know, you've always been better than them, and one day they will suffer at their own ugly hands.

on 10/19/13 1:42 am

Awww. Thank you. I take all the XOXO's I can get!

There are a lot of haters in the world....that is for sure. But, I try to remind myself of all the good people in the my husband, my sisters, my friends, this website and the occasional stranger.

Stupid David for writing that in my book. What a snot he was...I have no idea why I even let him sign my book. Since we were only in 6th grade..they were not yearbooks..but just little books your classmates could sign. He wrote that on the back cover...which I ripped off and threw away!

Funny thing is that I wasnt really fat...however, fat in 1974 was much different than fat nowadays.

I have accomplished much in my life..when I get to my goal weight I can finally burn that memory out of my head!


Keep your dreams alive. All things are possible for those who believe.


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