Don't Know What To Do

on 1/20/15 6:57 am

Thank you all for your advice. You've definitely given me things to think about. I appreciate it all guys!  :)

on 1/20/15 9:10 am
RNY on 07/21/14

You will sense who is being nosy and gossipy and *****ally cares. I typically tell people and I have had a few people make "faces" of disapproval and at first I was bothered but now I figure it is their issue and not mine. they haven't been in my shoes or experienced my struggles. if you don't want to tell them however, you can say "I am making lifestyle changes with my food and exercise". that is honest - you are! also, just from experience, if you tell someone it will likely become common knowledge because people mean well when they say they won't tell anyone, but they do. I did find at work others that I didn't know about who had the surgery and they have turned out to be a good support. good luck. it is a hard decision.


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