5 Days Out- I made it

DallasCheer Chick
on 12/15/13 5:03 am - Dallas, TX
RNY on 12/09/13
Daisy, Thanks for sharing your experience with me it makes me not want to worry so much. Also, it seems like everything time I drink something my intestines do a crazy dance and make me feel like I need to poop. Even with water. Hopefully, this will pass. Congratulations on your weight loss. You are doing Great!! Thanks again.
(deactivated member)
on 12/15/13 12:45 am

The horror nursing stories make my blood boil! I had a similar experience when I had TKR surgery. My surgeon, his NP, and PA were wonderful, but the nursing staff was terrible. I was surprised the mroning after my surgery that my catheter was YANKED (more about that later!)  out and a suppository shoved up my bum. She told me to get up and sit on the commode. I told her that I had just got to my room at 10 PM and had not been up yet. She shrugged and held my elbow as she dumped me on the commod. I was stuck there for FOUR hours! My walker was across the room. I kept yelling for help. Nobody came. i was scared to fall,but finally got up, used the commode, table, window sill, bed, to get to my walker clear across the room. Once I got my walker, I got my bag, book, and used the bathroom. I am still upset about this. Our nurses' starting salary is $90,000.! Thank goodness i am a healthy woman. Can you imagine if I wasn't able to take care of myself? What if it had been one of my parents? I am having my band removed and RYN revison at the same campus. I plan on asking my DIL to hang out while my grand daughter is in school, until my husbandcomes.....just in case. The nurses on the campus where i work spend most of their time smoking in the back parking lot! Please don't bombard me with with stories of wonderful nurses, as some of the best providers that I know are nurses and are a;so my friends........we were just collectively unlucky in our experiences.

DallasCheer Chick
on 12/15/13 6:22 am - Dallas, TX
RNY on 12/09/13
Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. I hate that happened to you and it makes me sad. I too thought about it the people that don't have anyone to check or speak for them. I told them the leads were making me itch they shrugged and said well you'll just have to deal for now. I kept taking them off and they'd put them back on. I called for my nurse 4 times was told she was on her way twice. The other two calls were picked up and hung up. So I called my sister and she called the nurses station and was told someone would go right away. So during this period she called again because 1.5 hrs later still no check on me. I then called the number from a card I had been given the dat before by a doctor making rounds asking for help from within the facility. The nurse who answered the doctor's number asked if I'd tried using my call button? I started crying harder and asked to think what a patient had to be going through to call for help outside the hospital. My nurse came two hours later "Saying Get Up and walk". I asked if she got my pages she said yeah, but I was way down another hall I had a code Blue, which I knew you were probably just in pain and I'd eventually get back around here. Then said you here complaining about walking and I have to hope my other patient even made it. She LIED, there wasn't a code blue because I was listening over the radio for her to come see about me. I am so glad to be home but wish that on no one. I did indeed have 2 other nurses and 2 techs that I wouldn't have made it through without. Thanks for listening. Prayer Works
(deactivated member)
on 12/15/13 2:09 am - WI

Wow, I am so sorry for your experiences with the staff. I am two weeks post op and my surgery was done at the Medical college of Wisconsin. The staff was great there. As soon as I woke up in my room, they were bringing me ice water, to sip. I had some swelling, but not like you. My incisions were covered with butterfly stitches, but I was in a lot of pain, because I also had a hernia repair. As far, as the staples go, they don't hurt. When I had my back surgeries, I didn't even realize she started getting them out, until she said she was done. I hope things continue to get better for you.

DallasCheer Chick
on 12/15/13 6:32 am - Dallas, TX
RNY on 12/09/13
Thank you for posting. So glad your experience was nice. I'm praying I will start feeling better soon but yesterday and today have been rough. Continue to pray and congrats on your surgery.
on 12/15/13 2:23 am
RNY on 11/20/13

You poor baby!  My heart goes out to you.  Hang in there - I can tell you are strong!

My hubby is allergic to the adhesive and when he had his surgery 3 years ago, even though we had told them about the allergy, he came back with taped on bandages.  By the time we noticed them and got them off, he had nickel and quarter sized blisters on his chest.  Luckily I don't have that allergy.

It is not at all surprising you are exhausted! I didn't have the swelling you have, but every time I moved or shifted, it felt like all my guts were moving around. I was afraid to move very fast at all. Right now your job is to sleep as much as you can, while following the diet instructions from your doctor!

On a leg surgery, my hubby had staples and stitches - the staples were a breeze to take out, but he hated the stitches being taken out, so it sounds good for you there.

Pam (RNY: 11/20/2013)

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