Tons of Common plastic surgery Q and A 's

on 4/13/11 12:51 pm - Houston, TX
I will likely be in the building so I'll stick me head in and be sure they are doing a good job !  Is Dr Ecko the attending or resident doctor ?
John LoMonaco, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas
on 4/13/11 9:31 am
What do you usually recommend for scar-treatment after plastic surgery?  I am having at least a breast lift, and possibly some other procedures, and I have very pale skin.  When I had my WLS, the incisions were left quite open and so healed by secondary intention, and I have raised, lumpy, ugly purple scars.  I really don't want any more of those, especially on my breasts!  Suggestions?
on 4/13/11 12:54 pm - Houston, TX
Hi Nursie.  When I was an orderly (that's what it was called back in '78) some of the nurses wore the traditional uniforms like in your pic.  We wore all white. Kinda miss that.

As for the scars, that's a tough answer.  Topical silicone gel sheeting like Mepiform is probably the best thing I use.  Laser, intense pulsed light, hydroquinone, and a few other things may also play a role depending on scr type and skin type.
John LoMonaco, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas
on 4/13/11 1:26 pm
Yep, the first two graduating classes from my nursing school wear white uniforms, but after that they changed it to a more modern blue, which is kind of a shame in some ways.  I like the tradition!

I've used silicone sheets on my VSG scars, but it didn't seem to help.  Perhaps laser or another treatment will be an option in the future.  Thanks for the input!
on 4/13/11 1:20 pm
Dr. L, I was wondering if you have had any experience with on operating on females with a very large mons, that is very fatty. I have lost, before my RNY, a significant amount of weight and was pretty thin but my mons was still a problem. Hard to find pants that it is not obvious in. i don't think just a TT would do it. I think it would need more than a lift. Is it complicated and what is the healing and complication factors? Any info would be much appreciated, as I have had this problem since childhood and is cause for alot of humiliation, self-esteem issues, and just out right shame. Please help... 
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
on 4/17/11 5:16 am - Houston, TX
Hi. yes...chek my website I ahve a few pics under "Just for Women." I routinely include pubic lift as a part of all my tumy tucks and body lifts.  It is  a very common problem and we usually get a good reduction in the fat and overhang.
John LoMonaco, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas
cyndi U.
on 4/13/11 9:24 pm, edited 4/14/11 11:04 am - forney, TX
Hey Dr. L,
Thanks again for all your info you help us with!  There are just so many questions!  Dr. Ecko is the resident & Dr. Bullocks will be the attending!  Look forward to possibly meeting you!

Cyndi U
Gastric Bypass, Dr. Daniel Jones, Dallas, 2003
LBL, Lipo, Butt Aug, Full Thigh Lift, hernia repair - 5/5/11, Baylor Houston Residency Program - Dr. Echo & Dr. Bullocks
BL/BA, brachioplasty - 8/26/11, Baylor Houston Residency Program - Dr. Lee & Dr. Bullocks

on 4/17/11 5:18 am - Houston, TX
That's great.  I have taken Dr. B and the other Baylor residents through many cases and you are in good hands.  Drop me an email on my personal account the day before t give me a reminder and Ill stck my head in.  [email protected].


John LoMonaco, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas
on 4/14/11 4:16 pm - Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
In plastic surgery, are vicryl/absorbable sutures typically used?

Even though I'm quite a ways from plastic surgery, I ask because it turns out I've developed an allergy to the absorbable sutures. I had localized rashes surrounding each suture site, most showing up days after the steristrips came off and I had stopped benadryl which I was using to help with sleeping at night. Loratidine, benadryl and hydrocortisone did their job and I think the stitches will absorb rather than come out of the skin. (Fyi - both my sister (an oncologist) and MD at urgent care confirmed the allergy. Both thought it was weird and that it was the first time they saw it!)

I just figure with such large incisions in lower body lifts and tummy tucks, there would be lots of sutures done. Of course, this is something I will discuss with any plastic surgeon I see. But, I'm just curious.
Kaiser Orange County - Surgery with Pacific Bariatric at Scripps Mercy Hospital
HW : 272 (6/10)   /   SW: 243 (3/15/11)   /   CW: 184 (9/1/11)
I just realized, I've lost my 9 year old!  Next goal?  Losing the 4 year old!
on 4/18/11 3:13 pm
I've been looking at aftercare suggestions for breast lift and for Brazilian butt-lift, and both say to stay off of the area for a week to ten days....... but what if I'm having both at the same time?  Do I stay on my side?
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