Member Services’s Posts

Member Services
on 12/19/08 12:24 am
Topic: RE: Launched!
Exciting News for OH Members We are getting ready to launch a number of exciting updates to ObesityHelp! This release is scheduled for 10pm PST on December 15, 2008.

New Layout & Design
The new look is cleaner, easier to navigate and provides quick access to the latest articles, video and community goals.

Better Blogging
There have been a number of improvements made to the blogging platform. Some of the improvements include:
- Managing your blog posts, comments and settings is now much easier.
- You can organize your blog posts and create new tags.

My OH serves as the member control panel and has undergone some major changes. Previously, My OH acted primarily as a customizable homepage, but now, not only can you customize the My OH start page, but you can easily access all of your account settings, photos, friends, blog, messages, weight tracker and more.

New Navigation
The most prominent changes to the navigation include:
- Faster access to your favorite ObesityHelp forums with the new forum drop-down.
- Direct access to ObesityHelp's online Groups system where you can find the support groups of ObesityHelp trained leaders.

Forum Updates
All ObesityHelp forums have a new look and improved horizontal navigation.

Again, this release will take place at 10pm PST on
December 15, 2008.

If you experience any problems during the update, please leave your comments in the Tech Support Forum at

Thank you and we hope you enjoy the new look!


Member Services
on 9/18/08 4:52 am, edited 5/7/08 7:29 am
Topic: RE: Ask Dr. Curry
Many of you may have seen Dr. Curry around on the boards.  He gives much of his time to help pre-op and post-ops about general Lap Band questions.  If you have a question about the Lap Band for Dr. Curry please ask them here.  He will be following this thread and answering as he has time.  Thank you Dr. Curry for the time you devote to Obesityhelp.

Some information about Dr. Curry.

Dr. Curry is a board-certified general surgeon who specializes in minimally invasive weight loss surgery. He is a Cincinnati native and trained at Good Samaritan Hospital. He has performed nearly 1000 successful laparoscopic gastric bands and bypasses, making him one of the most experienced in the region at the minimally invasive technique. In fact, he completes nearly 100% of his procedures laparoscopically. He is also well-known for his accessibility, and he frequently has patients from all over the country contacting him for advice and guidance. He even spends time on the LAP-BAND® System message board helping patients. He makes himself freely available by email. So, if you have any questions, just write to him! Click here to learn more about Dr. Curry.

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Member Services
on 8/18/08 1:47 am
Topic: RE: I give up
We were notified about your post by very concerned board members.  We'd like to encourage you to seek out help as soon as possible.  Often times feelings like this are temporary, but sometimes someone needs a professional to help them deal with their emotions.  We urge you to visit the National Suicide & Crisis website for numbers in your local area of professionals who are trained to help people in crisis.  Their website is located here:   Or call the USA National Suicide Hotlines toll-free 24 hours a day/7 days a week.   1-800-SUICIDE   (1-800-784-2433)  - or - 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)   We hope you seek out any help you may need at this pivotal time in your life and let us know you're doing ok.  Your fellow ObesityHelp members are worried about you.  Please keep in touch.   Sincerely, ObesityHelp

Member Services
on 5/7/08 6:44 am, edited 5/7/08 7:32 am
Topic: RE: Ask Dr. Curry
Dr. Curry will not be available to answer questions until or around April 1st. This post will remained locked until then. Thank you. Many of you may have seen Dr. Curry around on the boards.  He gives much of his time to help pre-op and post-ops about general Lap Band questions.  If you have a question about the Lap Band for Dr. Curry please ask them here.  He will be following this thread and answering as he has time.  Thank you Dr. Curry for the time you devote to Obesityhelp.

Some information about Dr. Curry.

Dr. Curry is a board-certified general surgeon who specializes in minimally invasive weight loss surgery. He is a Cincinnati native and trained at Good Samaritan Hospital. He has performed nearly 1000 successful laparoscopic gastric bands and bypasses, making him one of the most experienced in the region at the minimally invasive technique. In fact, he completes nearly 100% of his procedures laparoscopically. He is also well-known for his accessibility, and he frequently has patients from all over the country contacting him for advice and guidance. He even spends time on the LAP-BAND® System message board helping patients. He makes himself freely available by email. So, if you have any questions, just write to him! Click here to learn more about Dr. Curry.

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Member Services
on 4/22/08 8:31 am
Topic: RE: In Loving Memory of Jeannie Colter "JC"

It is with profound sadness that we share with you that we have lost a dear member of our OH family this weekend. Jeannie Colter, known affectionately to many of us as "JC", was resting comfortably at home on Sunday afternoon, April 20, when she passed away. She was surrounded by family, friends, and loving messages from all who knew her.

To read more, please click here.,content/cmsID,12210/

Member Services
on 2/27/08 5:02 am
Topic: RE: Live Event: Outpatient LAP-BAND Surgery with Surgeon Q&A

Live Event: Outpatient LAP-BAND Surgery with Surgeon Q&A

March 4, 2008 at 11 am EST

Dear Members: 

View a Web cast of the safest and least invasive weight-loss surgery—now performed on an outpatient basis—by Dr. Stephen Malley, followed by a live chat with the surgeon. 


Participate and Learn More:

  • Interview with a LAP-BAND patient
  • Real-time surgeon's explanation during procedure
  • Live questions from online viewers to a surgeon who’s performed more than 800 LAP-BAND procedures


This is a free event but registration is required. Please visit and click on the “Live Event” button to register.

Thank you,


Member Services
on 2/7/08 6:02 am
Member Services
on 2/5/08 4:57 am, edited 2/7/08 4:29 am
Topic: RE: Important Message from ObesityHelp
We are thankful to have members like you helping us to maintain and build our community. As you well know, our membership is full of diverse personalities, opinions, experiences, and knowledge.  Throughout the years we have built numerous forums in an effort to support your interests and surgery paths. It is important to staff that our members have a safe place to learn, share, and connect.

Recently, we have had an overwhelming number of report posts and email complaints about varying issues concerning the surgery type forums.  It is apparent that some of our members are finding it difficult to view or dialogue in a select few forums of their choice, without fear of personal attacks, internet trolling, and angry banter.  Having any of our members feel isolated, attacked or subjected to abuse of our features goes against all that we stand for as a community.  Our members deserve better!

We encourage you to talk about your personal surgery experiences, and to educate and support one another, however, we do not condone hate speech, abuse, impersonation, intimidating others, and invading the privacy of our membership.  As we move forward, we do not want to become a heavily moderated website, but it is important for the community to help us spot serious violations as well as to refrain from participating in or inciting “flame wars.”  Please report the abuse so we can look into it, eliminate it if need be, and make future development plans. We ask that before you report, that you reflect on if it is true abuse vs. something that you personally do not like or agree with. The “report post” option submits the post for evaluation; it does not mean you will get a reply back.  If we deem action is necessary you will be able to see that via the removal or edit.  We are aware that you may not agree with our decisions or the time in which we deal with them, but rest assured we are taking actions in some manner to try and make your experience fair and in line with our efforts.  

In conclusion, here is a summary of how you can help better the OH community:  

  • Don’t respond or participate in “flame wars” -Report them, don’t support them!
  • Don’t interact with “internet trolls”; they feed on your attention– Your best recourse is to ignore.
  • Don’t take other member's photos and use them to harass or mock.  We do not condone this and when it is reported, removals will be made.
  • Don’t forget this is an all ages’ community.  Flag your images appropriately and select your privacy and adult content settings to best suite your personal user experience.
  • Do respond to message board posts in an encouraging, informative or supportive manner. Keep in mind each person has his or her own interaction preferences.
  • Do utilize the block tool when need be.  This is an enhancement that many requested; utilizing it is your choice. We encourage you to take the opportunity to create your own personal desired atmosphere. 
  • Do Blog, Blog, Blog!  The words you write may help to inspire and educate others. Posting your opinions there will allow people to comment to you directly. 
  • Do submit B&A photos.  Take part in sticky posts such as Post-Op Wow Moments and Who Inspires You.  These are opportunities for you to share your successes. 
  • Do enhance your profile with your experiences, add your photos, and build up your personal support network by inviting people as friends. 

What’s New at OH?

We have many new items planned for release this year! Currently we have a few items that are in testing and should be available soon:

     Profanity filter for the forums: You will be able to adjust your
     settings. (The same setting that is currently in place for photos.)

     Move thread:  This is on the administration side and will allow
     us to move topics that are getting out of hand and detracting
     from the individual forums.  

     OH Groups:  This is in beta testing currently with the Support
     Group leaders.  Eventually in a future release, OH Members
     will have the ability to create and moderate their own groups.

There’s more to come! We’re working to develop new features and enhancements, while trying to keep in mind the most fitting solutions to overall wants and needs.  Thank you for being a member of and for your commitment to helping us to maintain and build a community rich in resources, support, and empowerment! 

Member Services
on 1/31/08 8:41 am
Topic: RE: Some people....

Our block system does not work in the manner indicated in this thread.  It blocks by individual user id, not by IP address.  We have noted that there are 3 posts that indicate there is a problem in the system and we would like your assistance to further look into the matter so that we can replicate and repair.  If this happens again, please send us ([email protected]) any specific details you can such as screenshots, URLS, and usernames.  

This thread will now be locked so as not to continue with incorrect information.  

Thank you for your assistance.

Member Services
on 1/31/08 12:57 am, edited 3/25/08 6:52 am
Topic: RE: Ask Dr. Curry
Many of you may have seen Dr. Curry around on the boards.  He gives much of his time to help pre-op and post-ops about general Lap Band questions.  If you have a question about the Lap Band for Dr. Curry please ask them here.  He will be following this thread and answering as he has time.  Thank you Dr. Curry for the time you devote to Obesityhelp.

Some information about Dr. Curry.

Dr. Curry is a board-certified general surgeon who specializes in minimally invasive weight loss surgery. He is a Cincinnati native and trained at Good Samaritan Hospital. He has performed nearly 1000 successful laparoscopic gastric bands and bypasses, making him one of the most experienced in the region at the minimally invasive technique. In fact, he completes nearly 100% of his procedures laparoscopically. He is also well-known for his accessibility, and he frequently has patients from all over the country contacting him for advice and guidance. He even spends time on the LAP-BAND® System message board helping patients. He makes himself freely available by email. So, if you have any questions, just write to him! Click here to learn more about Dr. Curry.

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Member Services
on 12/3/07 4:09 am
Topic: RE: OH.....continues to lose its vets......
Hello Chelle, The concept is in the works and we hope to have it available in the near future.  In the mean time we do understand the value of Lap Banders  having their own Grads forum and the request has been submitted.  We will keep you guys updated on what and when. Thank you, ObesityHelp Member Services

Member Services
on 12/3/07 2:28 am
Topic: RE: OH.....continues to lose its vets......
Hello, Our Vets are so valued here and we do not want to lose any of you.  For now, may I suggest WLS Grads forum?  The members there address the struggles and issues that challenges us daily if we are at least one year out.  Here is the link: If you find that forum does not meet  your needs, let us know and perhaps we can find an old forum that no one is using and you can post there. Please stay in touch and let us know what we can do to assist you.  You can contact us at [email protected] ObesityHelp Member Services

Member Services
on 11/19/07 2:44 am
Member Services
on 11/12/07 10:03 am, edited 1/31/08 12:58 am
Topic: RE: Ask Dr. Curry
Many of you may have seen Dr. Curry around on the boards.  He gives much of his time to help pre-op and post-ops about general Lap Band questions.  If you have a question about the Lap Band for Dr. Curry please ask them here.  He will be following this thread and answering as he has time.  Thank you Dr. Curry for the time you devote to Obesityhelp. Some information about Dr. Curry.

Dr. Curry is a board-certified general surgeon who specializes in minimally invasive weight loss surgery. He is a Cincinnati native and trained at Good Samaritan Hospital. He has performed nearly 1000 successful laparoscopic gastric bands and bypasses, making him one of the most experienced in the region at the minimally invasive technique. In fact, he completes nearly 100% of his procedures laparoscopically. He is also well-known for his accessibility, and he frequently has patients from all over the country contacting him for advice and guidance. He even spends time on the LAP-BAND® System message board helping patients. He makes himself freely available by email. So, if you have any questions, just write to him! Click here to learn more about Dr. Curry. To view old Ask Dr. Curry Posts click below: Archived #1 Archived #2 Archived #3 Archived #4 Archived #5 Archived #6 Archived #7 Archived #8 Archived #9 Archived #10

Member Services
on 11/5/07 6:29 am
Topic: RE: FREE Plastic Surgery consults in Anaheim Nov 10

As our members lose their weight, often times they are left with loose and hanging skin. The next question is.. now what do I do? Come and join us to find the answers!

 If you have ever thought:  -When I lose my weight, will I have to have plastic surgery?  -Am I a candidate for plastic surgery?  -When should I even think about having plastic surgery?  -How much does it cost? -Does insurance cover it?  -What is involved?  -How do I find a plastic surgeon that has experience with WLS patients?

If you have had one of these questions, or any others, we encourage you to attend our Plastic Surgery Seminar in Anaheim Saturday Nov 10 at that Hyatt Regency Orange County. It is the mission of ObesityHelp to make sure that everyone has access to the information to help them in whatever stage of the journey they are in. In an effort to ensure everyone gets the information they need to complete their journey, we've set the entrance fee at only $5.00 to cover the administration costs. .


At this seminar, there will be a Plastic Surgery After WLS presentation. After the presentation, FREE onsite, private consultations will be availableThere is no charge for the consultation, but make sure to bring your insurance information to speed your case along, in the event you decide to have surgery and want to start the process. You are under no obligation.

In addition, we will be having these professionals speaking about post op issues:  Dr. Kathy Nickerson - Helping Your Relationships Thrive Before, During, And After WLS"   Joanna R. Fee, CPT - "Tuesday Is Not Cheesecake Day - Tips & Strategies To Lose Weight And Keep It Off" Eric Klein, CEO ObesityHelp – Meet our CEO and hear about what new and exciting things are coming up on the website! To find out more information and to register, click here to visit our events site.





Member Services
on 10/23/07 4:35 am
Topic: RE: Final days to register for Phoenix!

It's a New Day and a New You!  ObesityHelp invites you to celebrate, laugh, learn and empower yourself in style at one of the world’s most unique resorts, the famous Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak Resort in Phoenix, AZ. Come experience a sun-sational, unique adventure and join ObesityHelp members and staff for a special 2-day seminar you won’t want to miss. Make it a mini-vacation and bring your family along to enjoy the many recreational opportunities; miniature golf, water rides, children’s adventure programs, spas, shopping and more!   St. Luke's Hospital will be sponsoring a complete makeover with local vendors. Make sure and sign up for it onsite!   This special event will be held October 26-28, 2007. There will be a Meet&Greet on Friday night from 6-8pm. Come socialize with your online friends!   Read more about the Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak Resort here:    Guest speakers include:    Dr. Timothy J. Katzen--Plastic Surgeon  Dr. Terry Simpson--Bariatric Surgeon Dr. Steven Gitt--Plastic Surgeon Jeremy Gentles, BS, CSCS--Fitness expert Dr. Eric Schlesinger--Bariatric Surgeon    ****PLUS****

-Meet ABC's Fat March personal trainer and host Lorri Henry
-Meet & Greet Social on Friday night
-Costume Ball on Saturday night
-Register to win a complete makeover!
-Post op Panel - Ask your questions to RNY, LapBand, DS and Stomaphyx patients and professionals   Visit our website for the full details:,events/action,event_ details/?pkid=601&key=ad70193645968e19a368d83bf147674a    Seating is limited. Be sure to get your ticket today!


Member Services
on 10/19/07 8:33 am
Topic: RE: New Obesity Technology- How you can help!

Dear OH Members:


Metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes have reached epidemic proportions worldwide.  As we continue our journey in the fight against obesity, it is important to recognize that we have valuable and important insight to offer in the development of new therapies for the treatment of obesity.  Your feedback and personal experiences can prove to be essential in helping to pave the way for so many others who are battling obesity in the years to come, and at the same time, benefit you in the very near future!  The manufacturer of new obesity technology is asking for your thoughts and opinions in the development of this new technology:

“Please help us as we develop a new technology to treat obesity.  If you are struggling with your weight, or have a BMI greater than 30, please click here to take a survey about a product that is under development and that may, someday soon, be beneficial to you.  We appreciate your opinions.  Please take the time to let us know what you think!”


Click here to begin the survey.


Thank you for your insight and for sharing your thoughts and opinions!


Sincerely, OH Staff

Member Services
on 10/8/07 2:11 am
Topic: RE: Ask Dr. Curry
Many of you may have seen Dr. Curry around on the boards.  He gives much of his time to help pre-op and post-ops about general Lap Band questions.  If you have a question about the Lap Band for Dr. Curry please ask them here.  He will be following this thread and answering as he has time.  Thank you Dr. Curry for the time you devote to Obesityhelp. Some information about Dr. Curry.

Dr. Curry is a board-certified general surgeon who specializes in minimally invasive weight loss surgery. He is a Cincinnati native and trained at Good Samaritan Hospital. He has performed nearly 1000 successful laparoscopic gastric bands and bypasses, making him one of the most experienced in the region at the minimally invasive technique. In fact, he completes nearly 100% of his procedures laparoscopically. He is also well-known for his accessibility, and he frequently has patients from all over the country contacting him for advice and guidance. He even spends time on the LAP-BAND® System message board helping patients. He makes himself freely available by email. So, if you have any questions, just write to him! Click here to learn more about Dr. Curry. To view old Ask Dr. Curry Posts click below: Archived #1 Archived #2 Archived #3 Archived #4 Archived #5 Archived #6 Archived #7 Archived #8 Archived #9

Member Services
on 9/26/07 2:28 am
Topic: RE: ObesityHelp is coming to Fairfax, Va Oct 6th (DC Area)

ObesityHelp is coming to Fairfax, VA Oct 6th!

Dr. Mitchel Krieger and Dr. Andrew Goldberg are our sponsors of this event. They will be speaking on topics such as:

They will be speaking on topics such as: -Mid and Lower Body Re-contouring After Weight Loss -Body lift and Thigh lift Surgery -Answers to common questions related to recovery after plastic surgery -Breast/Arms/Facial Rejuvenation After Weight Loss

Both surgeons will be providing private, one-on-one consultations during the conference. Registration for the spots are limited and will be available the morning of the conference.

We will also be having these special guest speakers: -Merle Cantor Goldberg LCSW -Jeremy Gentles, BS, CSCS -Inova Fair Oaks Hospital -Bariatric Surgeon Q&A -And others!

Visit the Fairfax Event page for full details and to get the latest information.

The event will be held at: Hyatt Fair Lakes 12777 Fair Lakes Circle Fairfax, VA 1 703 818 1234

We hope to see you there!

Member Services
on 9/19/07 7:28 am
Topic: RE: Question for the moderators
Hello Kris, Mentioning another member in a manner that violates the Terms of Service and the member reports it, will result in the post and or thread being pulled. If a post and or thread is not reported we don't know about it and this may be why some posts are not pulled. If you need any further assistance and or have any further questions please let us know at [email protected] Thank you, ObesityHelp

Member Services
on 9/11/07 4:05 pm
Topic: RE: Ask Dr. Curry
Many of you may have seen Dr. Curry around on the boards.  He gives much of his time to help pre-op and post-ops about general Lap Band questions.  If you have a question about the Lap Band for Dr. Curry please ask them here.  He will be following this thread and answering as he has time.  Thank you Dr. Curry for the time you devote to Obesityhelp. Some information about Dr. Curry.

Dr. Curry is a board-certified general surgeon who specializes in minimally invasive weight loss surgery. He is a Cincinnati native and trained at Good Samaritan Hospital. He has performed nearly 1000 successful laparoscopic gastric bands and bypasses, making him one of the most experienced in the region at the minimally invasive technique. In fact, he completes nearly 100% of his procedures laparoscopically. He is also well-known for his accessibility, and he frequently has patients from all over the country contacting him for advice and guidance. He even spends time on the LAP-BAND® System message board helping patients. He makes himself freely available by email. So, if you have any questions, just write to him! Click here to learn more about Dr. Curry. To view old Ask Dr. Curry Posts click below: Archived #1 Archived #2 Archived #3 Archived #4 Archived #5 Archived #6 Archived #7 Archived #8

Member Services
on 9/11/07 4:05 pm
Member Services
on 8/23/07 7:17 am
Member Services
on 8/7/07 3:11 am
Topic: RE: Ask Dr. Curry
Many of you may have seen Dr. Curry around on the boards.  He gives much of his time to help pre-op and post-ops about general Lap Band questions.  If you have a question about the Lap Band for Dr. Curry please ask them here.  He will be following this thread and answering as he has time.  Thank you Dr. Curry for the time you devote to Obesityhelp. Some information about Dr. Curry.

Dr. Curry is a board-certified general surgeon who specializes in minimally invasive weight loss surgery. He is a Cincinnati native and trained at Good Samaritan Hospital. He has performed nearly 1000 successful laparoscopic gastric bands and bypasses, making him one of the most experienced in the region at the minimally invasive technique. In fact, he completes nearly 100% of his procedures laparoscopically. He is also well-known for his accessibility, and he frequently has patients from all over the country contacting him for advice and guidance. He even spends time on the LAP-BAND® System message board helping patients. He makes himself freely available by email. So, if you have any questions, just write to him! Click here to learn more about Dr. Curry. To view old Ask Dr. Curry Posts click below: Archived #1 Archived #2 Archived #3 Archived #4 Archived #5 Archived #6 Archived #7 Archived #8

Member Services
on 8/3/07 12:17 pm
Topic: RE: Important message about this board
This community was built for those suffering from obesity and specifically this board was designed for those going through the process or having had the Lap-Band. ObesityHelp realizes that members are going to have various opinions on topics. While this is welcomed here, what we do not like to see is anyone being hurt. This is not productive to those seeking help for the Lap-Band and doesn't assist in the core of what ObesityHelp is about. We are kindly asking for the sake of those seeking support that this forum not be used in a way to hurt others. Let's let things move on. We cannot do this alone, it is going to take everyone of this community to assist with this. Let's get back to the core of this board, which is support. Support has U in it, remember that. Please review the terms of services for any questions:

Most Active