on 2/4/14 4:12 am - NJ

Thank you for responding. I need to make up my mind by April. It's just so confusing! but thank you! : )

(deactivated member)
on 2/5/14 12:23 pm - princessanne, MD

My surgeon told me Monday the same thing that I would benefit more from the rny also but I have this thing implanted in my mind that I do and mean do not want my organs rerouted I understand that I may not loose as much as I would wit the sleeve vs the rny but I will take my chances I told him that I will just work xtra hard to get the weight  off before and after surgery.. Ultimately its your choice!! Do what you think is best for you now in this moment!

on 2/4/14 11:48 pm
VSG on 01/27/14

Most doctors have done hundreds of RNYs, but some have only done much less VSGs. I would ask how many of each he has done,  and how long has he been doing them. 

on 2/5/14 1:54 am
RNY on 05/13/13
On February 4, 2014 at 8:22 AM Pacific Time, BadaBing wrote:

Hi All! I'm very confused and would like as much advise as I can get. My WLS is scheduled for April 24, 2014 and I haven't decided yet on the RNY or VSG. My surgeon says they are both equally as good but he thinks I will benefit more from the RNY. He says I have to decide on my own. He said that even though they are both equally as good, I will have less complication with the RNY. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. ~Gabby~

What is good for one, may not be for another.

Do you have GERD or diabetes?

Do you feel you'll need the restriction of RNY or the 'fear factor' of dumping?

Are you clear on the requirements of no NSAIDS with RNY and the vitamins for life due to micronutriet malabsorption?

I had RNY because my husband had RNY. My husband had RNY because of diabetes and GERD. I really LOVE the 'fear factor' for dumping so that if I get lazy/complacent in my maintenance I will not be as tempted to eat high sugar items because truly, I fear the dump like I fear tarantulas and snakes!!



HW333--SW 289--GW of 160 5' 11" woman.  I only know the way I know & when you ask for input/advice, you'll get the way I've been successful through my surgeon & nutritionist. Please consult your surgeon & nutritionist for how to do it their way.  Biggest regret? Not doing this 10 years ago! Every day is better than the day before...and it was a pretty great day!




on 2/5/14 3:50 am

If I had to choose between the VSG or the RNY, I'd take the VSG every day and twice on Sunday. (*GRIN*)

The VSG has many advantages---normal stomach function, the ability to take NSAIDs, no (well, actually *small*) malabsorption, and pretty much the same long-term, MAINTAINED weight-loss as the RNY. Google pictures of them both.

The things you say your surgeon has said to you---scare me. I really, REALLY wish you'd get a second opinion.


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