So am I normal?

on 1/28/12 11:35 am
I echo the concerns to be careful and treat yourself and your pouch more kindly.

It doesn't work for me to eat according to when I am hungry- it works better to have a plan and a structure that I just do every day- 3 planned meals and 2 snacks. I still drink at least 1 protein shake a day to get my required protein in. I do my vitamins faithfully. I journal amounts and what I eat when I see myself getting off track. I exercise by running 5 miles a day 5-6 days a week. I weigh myself daily, and keep track of my average weight.

It sounds like a lot of work and it is- but the payoff is so worth it! I don't have to think about food very much this way, and I know I am taking care of myself and doing what I need to do.

Please consider giving yourself more structure and more thoughtfulness. And ask your doctor how much experience she has had working with the realities of obesity, not just surgery.

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly." Richard Bach

"Support fosters your growth. If you are getting enough of the right support, you will experience a major transformation in yourself. You will discover a sense of empowerment and peace you have never before experienced. You will come to believe you can overcome your challenges and find some joy in this world." Katie Jay

on 1/28/12 2:02 pm - Fort Wayne, IN
I think it's a goal for most if not all of us to eat our protein rather than drink it ... eventually. Not so much at eight weeks out. I still do a morning protein shake and probably always will. It's just a valuable jump start on the day's protein. I still struggle with my eyes sometimes being larger than my stomach. I've seen lots of people here delay their progress through a food stage if they thought they needed to. And if you can't find a protein you can tolerate, keep trying samples. You'll figure all this out.

Open yourself to possibility and possibility will present itself.
Stephanie G.
on 1/28/12 10:28 pm - San Antonio, TX
Thanks to all! I am following up with my surgeon as directed, but that's not very often. I've joined the monthly support group, but it was cancelled last month. Coming to this site helps keep me grounded in reality. This is my go to place when I have questions. I will follow the advice and be more scheduled in my eating. I'll also be measuring now.

on 1/29/12 12:22 am - Colorado Springs, CO
Stephanie, I keep seeing people here pushing the protein drinks....I have NEVER used them as like your surgeon mine said don't drink your calories it will not stay with you.  I did lots of eggs, and beans early out as well as yogurt.  I also was able to put ground beef in fairly early compared to some, but then I could tolerate it.  What you SHOULD do and has been said is to MEASURE your food.  I was told to eat every 4-5 hours and to take 30 min to eat.  I was also using the medicine cup to measure, and was only eating about 1/2 of one of those during the first 2 weeks, when I was allowed to increase it was by one tablespoon per week.  Please follow your surgeons plan, as they are so different from surgeon to surgeon.  Good Luck, and do not try you luck to soon.
Gayle  6'2" 

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