One Year Surgiversary!!! sorta long..

on 11/29/11 10:46 pm
OMG SHERRY! I miss you!! I wanna see you!!

You're right, we are fortunate and I am VERY VERY VERY THANKFUL! Sometimes I get a tear in my eye when I see an old pic and think, why oh why didn't I treat myself better beofre it got so bad. I know now, I just had a LOT of life lessons to learn. It's all good!

My kids still gape at me when I chase them around the house or doo something else they thought I couldn't do. They told me at the end of summer, "mom, you're like a KID!" Best compliment ever! That and the " I can hug you with all my arm around you!" is pretty sweet too!
Highest Weight Ever:312 StartW:272 CW:164 SW:253 GW:180  Height 5'10"

on 11/29/11 10:11 am - Winnipeg, Canada
Wow, you have inspired me to get back into my regular workouts. Right now I walk 30 min on my lunch at work, 5 days a week, but I need to get more cardio in and back to weights.
I want to be like you when I grow up, lol
oh wait I'm older then you, lol
As always I love your posts
on 11/29/11 10:47 pm
LMAO Shan you rock sooo much! I can't even tell you! I used to say I wanted to be a little boy when I grew up, now I am soo damn happy with me!! You might be older, but I am taller, maybe you can grow?...
Highest Weight Ever:312 StartW:272 CW:164 SW:253 GW:180  Height 5'10"

on 11/29/11 11:06 am
This needs a LIKE button!!

Awesome job on the 365!!

Stats: HW 311 lbs in Aug 2010, VSG on 10/19/2010, Surgeons goal 208lbs, My Goal 175lbs or less Current 193lbs
on 11/29/11 10:48 pm
Thanks girl!! :) I can't friggen believe it!! Seriously, I'm thinking back to when we all met last fall..HOLY THINGS ARE DIFFERENT NOW!!

I love it!
Highest Weight Ever:312 StartW:272 CW:164 SW:253 GW:180  Height 5'10"

Tanya W.
on 11/29/11 11:51 pm - Winnipeg, Canada

Hey Kokonut!

I am thrilled for your success! Way to go. I love the comments you shared from your husband and kids. You put me to shame with your exercise routine - I am lucky if I can get in a couple of walks a week. Isn't the extra mobility wonderful? I take stairs now without even thinking about it - whereas it used to be a "huge" deal.

The next time you see your mom - you may need to have someone on standby to catch her. She is going to faint!!!

Wishing you continued success!


on 11/30/11 4:53 am - Canada
Thanks so much Kokonut.  All you ladies are an inspiration to me and what I have to look forward to. 

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